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Show PAGE TWO PROVO (UTAH) EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1936 Ethel D. Rambeau Society Editor Phone 494 Fashions - Menus Church, Lodge Functions Ctim LClub Tenders Shower For Bride Club I Calendar i Open Session1 Is Largely Attended Lambda Tau club member gave a delightful shower at the home of Miss Dorothy Stewart Thursday evening, in compliment to Mrs. Wallace Gardner, the former Afton Watkins, who was recently married. Progressive "lovenest" was the diversion, prizes going to Mrs Evelyn V. Westwood and MLs? Marian Sutton. A tasty luncheon was served, following which the bride was showered with many lovely gifts. In attendance were: Miss Dorothy Dor-othy Jones, Miss Dorothy Coons. Miss Mae Sutton, Miss Dorothy Stewart, Mrs. Marie B. Bullock Miss Ila Brockbank, Miss Lota 1'axman, Mrs. Kathryn S. Graham, Gra-ham, Mrs. Thelma Collins, Miss Belle Webb, Miss Afton Watkins Miss Marian Sutton and Mrs Evelyn Eve-lyn V. Westwood. if. if. if, Recent Bride Is Entertained Fidelas girls of the B. Y. U. entertained at the home of Miss Mary Brown Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. Blanche Me-Ewan Me-Ewan Dibble 'of Salt Lake City, a foiinei member who wa.-- recently wed. t'Jamt.s and music were ten joyed and verses were written and presented pre-sented to the bride. She also received re-ceived a lovely gift. A tasty luncheon lun-cheon was served. Twenty-five members were present. Miss Mary Brown, Miss Ruby Ols-en and Miss Blanche Burdick comprised the committee. commit-tee. if, if, if, Palo Alto Guest Honored at Affair Complimentary to Miss Mabel Hickman of Palo Alto. Cal . a house guest of Dr. and Mrs Joseph Jos-eph Sudweek.s. a delightful informal infor-mal affair' was tendeied by the Sudweeks at their home Thursday evening. The gii'-st list included: Mr. and Mrs Eldon Dennis, Supt. H. A Dixon and daughter, Dorothy Dixon. Dix-on. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Nichols. Nich-ols. Dr. and Mrs. Vasco M. Tanner. Tan-ner. Mrs. Abbie Dutson, Dr. and Gerrit 6 Jong, Prof, and B. F. Cummings, Miss Els-Isaacson, Els-Isaacson, Miss Clara Isaac-Miss Isaac-Miss FAen Haymore. Miss Mrs. Mrs. n. Helen Dahl. Elber Miller. Prof. J. M. Jensen and Dr. and Mrs. Parley Ghnstensen. Tasty refreshments were served if, if, if, amp ivieeting s Interesting Daughters of Utah at the home of Fotland Thursday Camp No. 1. Pioneers, met Mrs. Annie T afternoon. The rooms were attractively arranged with spring flowers Thir ty membi rs were present, and Mrs. Fotland was assisted by Mrs. Angie Johnson, Mrs. Rebec-ra Rebec-ra Randall. Mrs. Marv Smith Mrs. Martha Keeler and Mis Elizabeth Eliz-abeth Muhlestein. Mrs. Hedvig Snell sang two lovely numbers, after which Mrs. Anna D. Sutton gave the history of her father. William Douglas Mrs. Emma Cluff presented the lesson. "Roads in Utah." A dainty dain-ty luncheon was served. JOB'S DAUGHTERS A regular meeting of Bethel No 4, Order of Job's Daughters will be held Saturday at 2 3C o'clock in the Masonic temple. All members are urged to attend. Saturday Sat-urday evening at 7:30 o'clock, a party will be given by the girls for their friends and all Masons Eastern Stars and parents are invited in-vited to both meetings. CLEOFAN Members of the Cleofan elul will "meet Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. M. King. B. V. T. WOMEN B. Y. U. Women will meet in the faculty room of the university Saturday at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. May Huntington of Springville, will lend in a discussion on "Perfume." "Per-fume." Music will be furnished by Prof LeRoy J. Robertson. Mrs B. F. Larson is chairman, with the following members , assisting Mrs. Tda S. Dusenberry, Mrs. Ella Brown, Mrs. Bertha Roberts, Mrs T. L. Martin, Mrs. Alma Miller, Mrs. Gustave Buggart and Mrs A. B Worsley. IlEBEKAIIS A meeting of the Rebekah.s oi Provo will be held Friday evening eve-ning at 7.30 o'clock at the I. O O. F. hall. A card party will follow. The public is invited. SATURDAY DANCE The Saturday Night Dancing club will hold an extra dance Saturday evening at Memorial hall in Springville. Extra guests may be invited. P. H. S. WOMEN The P. H. S. Women will meet Saturday at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John Hilgendorf, 213 South First East street. Mrs Lucile Dixon will give the biography biog-raphy of Chopin, and piano selections. se-lections. Chopin music. will be played by Miss Irene Christensen and Mrs. Lucile Simmons. Membership Mem-bership dues will be collected. Club Women At Card Affair Mrs. J. W. Smith entertained at a smart affair at her home Thursday evening, for members of the La Meftis club. Members in attendance included: includ-ed: Mrs. L. D. Fraughton. Mrs Fred Liddiard, Mrs. Lamont Lea-vitt. Lea-vitt. Mrs. C. W. Andrus. Mrs. R V. Bailey, Miss Reta Johnson Mrs. W. A. Marshall and. Mrs Emily Henriod, and the guest-were guest-were Mrs. S. Cannon Jones. Mrs T. Gordon Smith and Mrs Ar-mond Ar-mond Eggertsen. The hostess was assisted mother, Mrs. S. a delicious dinner-Orchid dinner-Orchid and yellow dominating decorative colors, daffodils daf-fodils and hyacinths being used in profusion. Gay Easter. tabK covers and napkins proved, attractive, at-tractive, and Easter baskets o: eggs were given as favors Mrs. Fraughton won the bridge high score. Mrs. Bailey the second sec-ond prize, and Mrs. Jones thi guest award. Sixty mothers m Wyoming aie studying the effect "f clothing on the habit and beh:ivi-r problems prob-lems of their- babies bv he H. Jones, and wa- served were th pre- A delightful program was presented pre-sented by Mrs. Elsie C. Carroll at the open session of FineArts club, held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ellis Peelar ifi Orcm. After the welcome remarks by the president, Mrs. Parley Chris-tensen, Chris-tensen, the club chorus sang two beautiful numbers, "Fleeting Day," and the "Fine Arts Glut Song." Mrs. Gerald Heaton was at the piano. Mrs. Carroll, in her usual charming way, talked on the poet, A. E. Housman, and explained ex-plained and read a number of his poems. Tastefully arranged refreshments refresh-ments were served, -and Easter eggs, in rose colored cellophane bags tied with cream ribbon were given as favors The hostess list included: Mrs Peelar. Mrs. Oliver Dalton, Mrs Lynn Hayward. Mrs. Orson Slack, Mrs. Lawrence Mavcock and Mrs. Hamilton Calder. Guests in attendance were. Mcsdame.s Le Roy Johnson, Verl R. Park. V. Emi'l Hansen7-C S Ashworth, W B. Hales, F. R Hitchcock, Alfred Swenson, Ernest Er-nest Reynolds, Paul Robley, D. D Jorgensen. Loren C. Bryner, Clair Johnson, F. C. Packard, Eliza B Cook, Chester Graff, Raymond Green, Merle Hone, L. S. Morris Bud Nilsson, Arthur Taylor and Miss Gladys Kotter. The following members enjoyed enjoy-ed the afternoon Mesdames Ellis El-lis Peelar, John S. Van Cott. Seymour Sey-mour Gray, Gerald F. Heaton Carl D. Swenson, Le Roy J. Rob-erson, Rob-erson, Stanley Bonnett, Frank J Earl, John S. Lewis. Parley Christensen, Seth Shaw, A. C. Hatch. Bertrand F. Harrison. Ol iver Dalton, George " H. Hanson L. S. Maycock, Lavonia Fuller Alonzo Morley, L. De Vere-George, Vere-George, Donald Olsen". Hamilton Calder. Doyle Dastrup. C. Lynn Hayward and C. La Vurt Jensen if, if. if. Opera Reviewed At Women's Meet The opera. "The Bohemian Girl," by Balfe, was reviewed in excellent manner by Mrs. Moroni B. Wallace, at the meeting of the literary section of the Women's Council, at the club house Wednesday Wed-nesday evening Mrs. Chestina B. Larsen. chairman, chair-man, piesided. The life of the composer was given by Mrs S. J. Jones, and music from the opera was presented pre-sented by Martin Iverson, Mrs. Nola Nilsson and Donald McKay, vocalists, and Mrs. Zenith Johnson, John-son, who played the overture. Mrs. R. Gam Clark had chargv of the music, and she gave brief comments on this and other well known operas. The interesting session was attended at-tended by 40 members. if. if, if, DUP Notice I The advisory board of the I Daughters of Utah Pioneers- of i Utah county will meet Saturday I at 1:30 o'clock in the city court i room in th city and county buil-j buil-j ding. The Provo camp captains are i asked to meet also TodaiSattern V ,. A- . : i Revnolds Club ; Committee Election . Mrs. Nellie S. Thornton was elected president of the central committee of the Alice Louise Reynolds club at a meeting held at the home of the retiring president, presi-dent, Mrs. Inez K. Allen, Thursday Thurs-day afternoon. The meeting was attended by the committee members and presidents pres-idents of the Provo club chapters Mrs. Estelle S. Harris was reappointed re-appointed secretary and treasurer and Mrs. Inez K. Allen, Mrs. Claire C. Clark, Mrs. Fern C Eyring and Mrs. Estelle S. Harris Har-ris were held over as committee members. The new committee members include: Mrs. A Hie W Clark. Mrs. Elsie C. Carroll. Mis? Vilate Elliott and Mrs Ardella H Ashworth. if, if. if. Yesharah Students Are Entertained The Yesharahs who are now attending the B Y. U. were given giv-en a party Thursday evening by i the Misses Pearl Jeffery, Rebecca ; Tucker and Yelma Merrill at the I Jeffery home. Contest games were played, after aft-er which a delicious luncheon wa.c served, an Easter scheme predominating pre-dominating throughout Prizes were won by Miss Merrill, Mis.1 Tucker and Miss Muriel Ferris if, if, if. 3. U. P. Camp Is Organized A group of Utah county office:.' of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Pio-neers went to Spanish Fork Thursday afternoon to organize the thirty-eighth camp in Utah c i iimty The organization is to be known as Camp Spanish Fork. Those officiating were Mrs Bridge Club Entertained w :IDE loose sleeves, mannish natch pockets and the 1 1 oiir-ei'-slim skirt mark the two-piece suit sketched as the la-t word in the current mode. It lias a deep collar and large buttons as essentially feminine touches. Make of tub silk, printed cotton or linen. Patterns Pat-terns are sized 14 to 20 and D2 to 12. Size In lequius 1 yards of :;5-inch fabric. To secure a PATTERN and STEP-BY-STEP SEWINT. INSTRUCTIONS, IN-STRUCTIONS, fill out the coupon below, being .sine to MENTION THE NAME OF THIS NEWSPAPER. The SPRINT, AND SUMMER PATTERN BOOK', with a complete com-plete selection of late dress designs, now is ready. It's 15 cents when purchased seiun a tely. Or. if you w.mt to oi(lr it with the pattern above, send in just an addii ii.-n;: 1 In .'ins with the coupon. TODAY'S PATTERN BUREAU, 11-13 Sterling Place, Brooklyn. N. Y. Enclosed is 15 cents in coin for Pattern No Size . Name Address . . City State Name of tlTls newspaper SPANISH FORK MRS. EFFIE DART Reporter Phone 1BX Mrs. Margaret Zabriskie was hostess to the O. D. O. club Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon. A tasty luncheon lun-cheon was served at the card tables ta-bles at 2 o'clock. Four tables of bridge followed. Mrs. Alice Jar-vis Jar-vis winning high score for- the members. Mrs. Kate Thomas lor the guests and Mrs. Mary Otteson, the low score . Guests present were Mrs. Gwen Cutler and Mrs Kate Thomas. Mi. and Mrs Carl Greene were hosts to the members of the Double Dou-ble X club Wednesday night. A tastv hot supper1 In which the Easter motif was carried out was server! at the card tables at 8 o'clock. Five tables of progressive progress-ive 500 followed, Mrs. H. C. Robertson Rob-ertson winning the ladies' high score. Sharles Hone the high score for to gen:.; and Mrs. Victor Vic-tor Roman th- consolation. There were 20 present. Tf medium-thick honey is substituted sub-stituted for one-half the sugar in cake or quick-bread recipes, reduce re-duce the liquid one-fourth. If honey is substituted for all the sugar-, reduce the liquid one-half. If honey is very thin or1 very thick this proportion may have to be altered accordingly. Tonsils Removed by Radio Short Wave Non - Surgical Method Painless and Superior Dr. A. Schreiber is equipped with Radio Short Wave Apparatus Ap-paratus with which he removes Tonsils. This system is superior super-ior to any other methods, because be-cause it is painless, bloodless, no penetration, and the patient has no discomfort afterward, which means the patient can eat and drink and do his daily work as before. Dr. Schreiber is successfully combating numerous chronic lilments by means of Radio Short Wave. Such diseases as Rheumatism, Asthma, Arthritis, Arthri-tis, Hay Fever, Nervous Breakdown, Break-down, Poor Circulation, Pelvic Diseases in Women, etc., have been treated with results which border on the phenomenal. DR. A. SCHREIBER 320-21-23 McCornick Bklg. Wasatch 3756 Suit Lake City, I tah Shop Jackets! Short Sleeves! Flower Trims! Printed Chiffons! Sheers! and up NAME YOUR FASHION! You'll find it in this Easter Group! From frilly Margot Dresses and feminine flower trims to simply tailored costume suits. The quality qual-ity of the fabrics and workmanship workman-ship will make you feel that you are wearing the type of dress you could never afford! Sizes for junior misses, misses and women. Come early for a good selection! I v. - jtffiA Kir m PERMANENT WAVES The Very Latest Machine or Machine-less. Machine-less. Every Wave the 9 A A am' most beautiful yjcUU up BERTIN BEAUTY SHOP 25fi EAST CENTER - PHONE VU'A ITS ftlOBaOBBDBnBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfll SPECIALS SATURDAY, APRIL 11 SOMETHING NEW and Deliciously Different! QUART ICE CREAM ROLLS 2 in Various Flavors, smothered in Pecan Nuts Each BIG THREE DECKER ICE CREAM CONE Follow the Crowds Get Yours at Co oh. $ 464 West Center The Cream of All Ice Creams "We Freeze To Please" j DIFFEREDT THIS EASTER ! WHEN you look at what seems a polka dot and discover dis-cover it's really an elephant, chicken, puppy or penguin, know you have a print that is truly Spring, 19.G ! And when you choose florals in colors that speak Chinese, you will know they're new and smart ! DISTINCTION IN PRINTS Your Easter Print will be unlike un-like any other you have ever had. Brighter, gayer, more original in color and design. Light or Dark Backgrounds Back-grounds t Oresses with Fitted Jackets! Frocks with Swagger Jackets! The New Gibson Girl Styles! One-piece Margot Fashions ! Gloria Shop and up Provo Couple Wed; To Be Honored Mr. and Mrs. H C. Clowar.l ami Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Palnu'i wril )o hciMs to 150 guests at a wedding reception at the Women's Wom-en's club house Saturday eve-nine, eve-nine, in compliment t their son and daughter, (rcorge Palmer who we it day. Hoth ate graduates of th.- Pro v high school. They their home m PiVc Mr. and Mrs tDonna Cloward married in Provo Thurs- wil) make Mary T Hahlquist. count v pi--s ident: Mis. ('.race L. Che -v Mrs Sarah H Pass y and Mi-Phoebe Mi-Phoebe I Maikham HE Mis. George Mecham was host- I ess to her bridge club members , at an enjoyable affair at Kee-ley's Kee-ley's Thursday afternoon. j Mrs. Charles Wilde won the card high score prize, Mrs. ()s-i car Carlson, the second favor , and Mrs. Sylvan Chatwin, the i consolation, award. A delicious , luncheon was served, an Eastei 1 idea being carried out. j Present were, in addition t j those named. Mrs. Elmo Cheever. , Mrs. Or an Groncman, Mrs. L,. A. Culbertson and Mrs. Alden Chat- j win. ' i2 PINT CAN NEW BRUSH DUCO (Any of 18 colors or DUCO White) and a BRUSH, only (A 76 cent value when bought separately Here's a chance to try the easiest-to-uae enamel you can buy New Improved Brl sh DUCO for furniture and woodwork. Choice of any of the famous DUCO colors. Get remarkable DUCO durability. Easy to clean. One coat covers like magic Trv it now. Gessf ord's Inc. WALLPAPER - GLASS and HARDWARE r HAIL SIPES BRAND NEW MERCHANDISE! At REAL SAVINGS To You! Wonderful Lot of MEN'S NEW SILK NECKTIES The Season's Latest 25c 49c 69c CHILD'S DRESSED only . . . . SILK 74c Famous Town Talk Hosiery for Ladies Rinjjricss Silk and full fashioned Chiffon or service weisrht . . . . 69c Men's Fine Knit UNION SUITS Short sleeve and ankle lent h 69c Special Lot of MEN'S FINE FELT DRESS HATS New lig-ht and dark shades; extra value $149 Men's and DRESS HOSB . . . Bovs' Fine 15c Beautiful Lot Girls' Fine EASTER DRESSES . . . of 93c Latest Showing in Men's Dark Fancy-Patterns Fancy-Patterns Dress Shirts Famous Town Talk brand, real values, only Ladies' Rayon. Length. Elastic HOSE Latest colors Knee Top 25c Wonderful lot of LADIES' WHITE and COLORED PURSES Nicely made, and so low priced 25c 49c 79c New lot of the famous Kini? Aprons for Ladies . . . 79c Real Special Values in Indies' Fine EASTER DRESSES Latest Voiles, Ase-tate, Ase-tate, Broadcloths, Pique; etc. . . to you- Big Saving.- $1.49 $1.95 $2.98 GIRLS' ANKLETS 10c BOYS' CAIS 25c Fancy Easter Basket, filled with Canfiy Easter Eggs . . 10 368 West Center St., Provo in 1 Is BC3BBEBBBBBBBB8BSBBBBBB&SBBBSB&0C38BB&S8B&BBB8BBEB I g'faaia if i tab NO. UNIV AVE., PROVO if |