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Show The Park Record A-14 Wed/Thurs/Fri, January 5-7, 2005 SUNDAY I N THE PARK YOU HAVE TO ASK YOURSELFTHIS ONE aUESTION. "DO I FEEL LUCKY TODAY?" SILVER ST7\R AT PARK CITY INTRODUCING SILVER STAR, PARK CITY'S NEWEST SKI-IN, SKI-OUT LUXURY COMMUNITY. AVAILABLE SOON FOR 9 7 VERY LUCKY FAMILIES. 97 luxury residences to be released for sale on February 21, 2005, available in a variety of beautiful two, three and four bedroom plans. If you're lucky enough to join us at Silver Star you'll enjoy amazing recreation opportunities and wonderful amenities. Silver Star is conveniently connected to Park City Mountain Resort via the new Silver Star lift. It's a short walk to the Park City Golf Course, and hiking and biking trails for your family are all located on the property. Also on site is a heated swimming pool and hot tub. And, each residence features reserved, heated parking, and a sports locker to store your skis and bikes. IF YOU'RE FEELING LUCKY, OR EVEN IF YOU AREN'T CALL: MICHAEL LAPAY, 1.435.640.5700 MLAPAY@PUREUTAH.COM KEELIE WEST, 1-435-962-9900 DUSTY ORRELL, 1-435-640-8903 Prudential Utah Real Estate Midiad LiiPay is LLII OWIKT/IVLII L-siaie hrnkt-r :m<l Rnry Murphy is ;in uunci/it-'al csiaif :i»cm IKTIIM'II in ilic SIMIL' nf Ulali. Tlii' inrnrniiilinii ciinlaincil herein, .illliniidi (kvniL'd jkxuraie ami uhl.tinud fruni rdiahk- •.mnvi"'. is nn| •Mianmleal. By Teri Orr • Resolutions dissected that works for me. I was reading, not too long ago, an article about changing your body shape. It said when we use the words "losing weight" it can trip us and process have me in a bit of a fix right about now. up. Because, when we lose anything else we look for First off, I think the idea of starting a new year in the it and work hard to get it back. So, for example, you dead of winter is all wrong. The Jewish faith recog- say you plan to lose 10 pounds. What will you do nizes a fresh start in the fall with 10 days of devotion once you have eventually lost those pounds? Look and reflection about what has passed and what needs for a way (inside your head) to replace them? You to be amended for the year ahead. It is a meditative, could say you want to change the shape of your body contemplative, spiritual process. Not just one pagan and you could say you want a pair of size six jeans day to drink too much and wake up resolved not to that fit great to be part of your wardrobe. There are a myriad of things you could say that would sound do that again any time soon. Christianity looks to the spring and the resurrec- like positive affirmations instead of negative reintion of that which is past and the rebirth of what can forcements. So, with the idea of best light in mind for the be ahead. It, too, is a process of reflection that over weeks builds to a joyous celebration. The pagan part word, resolution, I would like to resolve to add of the bunnies and the eggs just adds to the color of meaningful family time in the next year. I have a great little family and we all work hard. Sometimes the holiday. Both of these religious restarts to another year when we get together we are giving each other leftovers of our energy have purpose and power and intentions and in them. This year, I am attentions. having a difficult time • • But there it is again, that awkwith this forced jumpOkay, so mostly I start to a calendar of mean myself here. I ward word, resolution. A word that meaning. In a ski resort want to come to the community where win- sounds like a destination and not a jour- table or the playter is the busiest, crazi- ney. We hereby resolve..." ground or the sledest time of year, it is a ding hill being fully challenge to be reflecengaged in the tive for even an hour, ^^^^^m^^^mmm^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ moment. Respectful But since I am resolved of the time that has to create more reflective time, I am forced to meet been laid out for our family to just take comfort and refuge in one another. I will try to add a grateful one of my resolutions head on. But there it is again, that awkward word, resolu- heart to the moment. And I resolve to create that same level of gratition. A word that sounds like a destination and not a journey. In politics, at its root, it is a formal decree tude and attention to time spent with friends. that something has been or will be done. We hereby Friends who are their own kind of family with warts resolve... In music it brings a piece together, it and good hearts and shortcomings that make them resolves it- In my son's world, where he does things all interesting. I resolve to give my friends the attenwith physics that are totally unexplainable - to me - tion and affection that is in my heart but not often - a high resolution would involve reflections and enough on my lips or in my actions. refractions of light. A high resolution would have I have always been a curious child. And in the objects appearing in their best light, their most immortal words of Louis Carroll, 1 have grown curidefined. ouser and curiouser. In my world of ringing cell I was thinking about the light thing and how high phones and intrusive emails and meetings that beget resolution was optimal in an optical sense and I more meetings, I find it a challenge to carve out time thought about my friend, Sister MaryAnn and how in each day to just be curious. To seek out answers to she always approaches the Lenten season. Instead of questions I have. To explore places I want to know. looking for things to give up for 40 days and 40 To try and understand how something or someone nights, she looks for things to add to her life. True, works. I hereby resolve to find more time to just be she is a nun but, nonetheless, it is her attitude of curious. addition, instead of subtraction, I admire. There are so many other additions I want to make I have the same annual lists of things I'd like to to my world for the next 12 months when I view this change about my life and they parallel, I suspect, process as adding and not subtracting. I want to many of your own resolutions. Stopping bad behav- spend more time in nature, laugh more, read more, iors, losing pounds and attitudes, subtracting things see more movies, take long walks, travel to new and that eat up valuable time. I tried to put these into old places, giggle with small children. I want to shape some kind of orderly, logical list this week and I my environment with gentle sounds and pleasing came up frustrated until I remembered Sister colors. I want to learn how to cook exotic foods or MaryAnn's plan. So this year I am giving up nothing familiar foods in an exotic way. for the new year. I am resolved to add things instead. I wish all my resolutions be in high - the highest And using an image from my son's world, I plan to - resolution and that this year sees me striving to shape these resolutions in such a way they will put reflect and refract the light, each and every day, me in the highest and best light. especially Sundays in the Park... "' 'You may say1 this is just semantics, or trickery TeriOrr isa formereditor ofThe Park even, but I prefer to think of it as creating a reality director of the Park City Performing Arts Center. t is a strange word, resolution. We hear it repeatedly this time of year in correlation to I setting goals for another 12 months. I admit the word WRITERS ON THE RANGE By Lissa James My jeans grow on trees made emotional speeches, while other family members signed petitions, conducted biased surveys, sat in awkward silence and occasionally shouted. I mostly Every time we buy something, we see the physical listened. The people who wanted to stop salvage logging signs of our consumption in our backyard. Paying for my recent college education, for example, took about accused their opponents of being greedy, out-of-touch 300 log truckloads of second-growth Douglas fir, and totalitarian. The pro-salvage logging team retortcedar and hemlock trees. A $60 pair of jeans equals a ed that the "greeners" were wealthy, out-of-touch and log of Doug fir that's eight inches at the top and 36 manipulative. feet long. When we pay medical bills or leave our Each side resorted to cliches. The "environmentaltown of 200 to go on vacation, we cut more trees. ist" cousins acted as if a human presence automaticalI grew up on the timber farm, which is owned by ly ruined a forest; the "anti-environmentalist" group some 30 members of my mother's extended family. acted as if trees were only good for human consumpSome of them work for the family company on the tion. I know that neither group is actually that narrowOlympic Peninsula, operating chain saws and laying out clear-cuts; others work as interior designers in minded. But they were both afraid that any compromise would lead to total surrender. In the end, howChicago or as wine importers in New York City. Not everyone approves of the family business. One ever, there simply weren't enough stakeholders for this to be a never-endof my relatives, for ing battle, as it is with instance, called the Service. company's timber • • During the meeting the anti-log- the Forest After a couple of income "blood money." hours, the people in my But for the most part gers shed tears and made emotional mother's generation we get along and enjoy each other when we speeches, while other family members put together what was generally considered to gather in Washington to signed petitions, conducted biased surbe a win-win resolutalk about log prices, veys, satin awkward silence and occa- tion. They created a sustained yield and park committee, conboard footage. sionally shouted. I mostly listened." sisting of two moderate A surefire bet for a representatives from heated family debate, M ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M wmm^^^^^^^^^^m^^m both camps, which will though, is the question of how we should manage Grandfather's Park, 18 be in charge of deciding when and how we salvageacres of river bottomland that the family removed log. I think it's a face-saver more than anything. from timber harvest in the 1970s. Homesteaders Grandfather's Park is still open to salvage logging, but logged the park with oxen in 1880,20 years before my it may be years - if ever -- before the next load of family bought the land, so it's not the "virgin" old dying trees is taken out. growth visitors often mistake it for. But now the trees While it was painful and depressing to watch my are huge again -- covered in moss, footed with sword family argue, the meeting wasn't discouraging. Most fern and, when it's sunny, lit by golden-green light. of the young people at the meeting saw past the hulFor decades, my uncle, the farm's current manager, labaloo and agreed with both points of view. It might harvested a load or two of dead and dying trees from just be because we're younger. Maybe as you age you the park each year, which earns us about $2,000 a simplify the world around you in order to stay sane. load. But this year, some family members got togeth- Or maybe we chose the middle path simply because er and petitioned to stop any logging of the old trees. we didn't want to offend anyone. Immediately, another group formed, and it argued I prefer to think that my 20-something generation that ending salvage logging in the park would be a learned something from our parents. I prefer to think symbolic first step towards destroying our timber of us as "green loggers" who have moved beyond the company. black-and-white environmental vision that's been The debate wasn't over ecology and economics but passed down to us. Most of all, I hope that when the about underlying philosophies - whether or not it time comes for us to call the shots, we'll be able to made us "better" people to stop the salvage logging. trust each other. But this wasn't a philosophical exercise. The arguLissa James is a contributor to Writers on the ment began through mass e-mails and quickly became Range, a service of High Country News in Paonia, ugly and personal, sprinkled with decades-old quotes Colo. She jitst concluded an internship with the paper dredged up from the family's collective memory. and is heading back to Washington to work in the famDuring the meeting the anti-loggers shed tears and ily business. y family owns a timber company in Washington state, and for us, money grows on M trees. Jay Meehan's 'Core Samples' will return next week. |