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Show CEI I fTSM r5K Classified Advertising LMH I QS&Qfir H H H iBH T JJ Deadline 12 poi two dy P"Ot lo publication mm Wmr T All d muH be paid in Jnct LADIES NEED EXTRA MONEY'.' Earn $40. Requirements: No previous pre-vious history of gastrointestinal or galbladder disease Must have had at least one pregnancy Must not have had a hysterectomy Must be between 30-40 years of age .... Call 581-7803. Harman Davis, or inquire in-quire at 4E50, University Medical Center. PIANIST with good rhythm who can improvise for creative dance classes. Call Virginia Tanner 581-7374 or 363-8755. ONE BEDROOM available In a clean home for female student. Kitchen & washing facilities. 1387 Browning Ave. 484-9496. QUALIFIED Female Ski Instructor wanted for part-time sales work in the afternoons. 277-2413. MALE ROOMMATE, late teens, early 20 s. Call after 6:00 p.cn. 486-6661." LIBERAL MALE to share large 3 bedroom bed-room apartment with 3 others. 1 block from U. $55.00. Call 363-9067. FOR SALE TENNIS RACKETS Good prices good selection. Also Soccer balls' tennis balls, paddle rackets, squash rackets. Discounts for student groups. THE RACKET SHOP CHEZ-SOI. 157 East 2140 South. 466485. 1969 HONDA 350 Scrambler excellent condition. Luggage rack. Perfect for school. Sacrifice for $500. 467-6052. 1967 IMPALA 327 cu. Inches. Air conditioned. con-ditioned. Excellent condition 571-2737 anytime. 205 CM FISHER Pre-' ' ..its Combl. with Marker Birk" ..gs $80 00 Raichle Boot. lOn $45.00. Scott Steei Poles $12.00. Cash for all $130.00. 487-0057 after 6 p.m. DOUBLE BED and Dresser set $100 Goya guitar $60. McGregor golf clubs $30. 359-2968 after 6 p.m. REFRIGERATOR, General Electric $30. 485-2088. MUST SELL 1971 Honda 450 Scrambler. Scram-bler. Less than 2000 miles $775. 272-2077. Like new. I'KHSONAL SUPERSONIC JETS . . . flights to the moon. It's a fast moving world. Move with it. Juin AFROTC. SOME STUDENTS grab opportunity. Others ignore It. Which are vou? Consider Joining Air Force ROTC. BEN RUNS for Mavor Bust 15c beer Friday at toXR Exchange. U.I.D. Required. SUZANNE VOLMER. please come to the Y and head the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Fund! Love. The Anonymous Anony-mous Donor. NORTH CAROLINA Virginia Mission Mis-sion Reunion. Oct. 9. 1971, 4:30 p.m. Information 487-2533. Brighton Village Vil-lage Store Brighton Canyon . HAVE YOU LIVED past lives. Know your aspiritual being. Call me. Psychic. 363-4501. SKI CLUB Meeting Tuesday. Oct. 5th. 3:30 p.m. Union 312. Slides of Alta. Everyone Welcome! THE USAF has over 400 different job specialties. One will tit your needs. Go AFROTC. RIDE TO and from U from vlclnltv of 17th East and 21st South. 484-5854. Paul. SERVICES HAVE YOU REALIZED quality of food affects life? Word of Wisdom Foods offers high quality natural foods and helpful information on cooking. 1007 East 9th South. Tuesdays Tues-days Saturdays. 12 6. WANTED: Students with an appetite. The BROWNWOOD BUDGET LUNCH, located Just south of the College Book Store, offers great food at reasonable prices. Now self-service self-service to save you even more. GERMAN STUDENTS! Already vun veek behind? A stitch in time . . . Tutoring: beginning, intermediate, Ph.D. Language 2 years in der Vaterland. B.A. in German. TA-BYU. TA-BYU. Joe. 467-7357 or 278-7743. GIRLS NEEDED for baby sitting $1.00hour. Call 487-2441. P.S. For You (Baby Sitting Agency). CASA MONTESSORI Pre-school now offering kindergarten and first grade. Morning-afternoon programs. 466-6576 or 355-6082. XEROX COPIES 1 - 4t complete offset printing Student Copy Service, Union Bldg. 153 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sat. 582-3420. LESSONS in natural and cabalistic ritual magic. For details phone 521-9562. STUDENT CUSTODIAN to work during dur-ing the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon or 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. weekdays. Those interested should apply at the Custodial Office building build-ing 305 before noon. BEAUTIFUL, exciting girl for general housework. Perfect figure for hot pants, French maid uniform. Work will include escort for social functions, func-tions, parties and trips abroad. Private Pri-vate room adjoining Master's suite. Many fringe bcnelits. Call after 5 p.m. Bring nitie and toothbrush. 484-8455. MEN AND WOMEN. Show "The Illustrated Illus-trated Stories From The Book of Mormon" in the SLC area or your home town during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Phone 375-6953 or 373-9747 373-9747 In Provo. Soaring Society of Utah flying memberships mem-berships available. Call 272-1086 or 364-4453 after 7:00 p.m. O SKIERS SALTLAKI- Your Ski Shop Run By Professionals 3927 Highland Drive 277-2413 Service Center 272-2413 MUST SALE Dependable '63 Olds convertible, 45,000 actual miles. $495. Call Dave 350-5181 or 278-3366. '66 PONTIC 242, 423 engine 4-speed. 3 carbs. P.S.. P.B.. low mileage, top condition. 485-8857. 1965 MUSTANG. 6 cylinder. 4-speed: 10 gal. aquarium and bookcase. Call after 12 p.m. 484-9498. Bb CORONET. $75: Violin. $60. Good condition. Call after 5 p.m. 487-3075. 487-3075. SONY TC-560 Tape recorder $275 with 20 tapes $300. Record player $15. Kniesel white wing skiis 210 $65. Marker Rotomat bindings $30. 650 Yamaha 1970, $955. 364)516 after 5. p.m. DRESS UP your Porche or VW with late model black Porche seats. Excellent Ex-cellent condition. 487-2504. 1960 FALCON recently overhauled good condition. $250 363-6463. WANTED PART TIME 3 evenings and Saturday. $56.00 to $90.00 pwk. ay. 466-7123. SALESMAN Will train. Earn $100-$150 $100-$150 per week. Largest company in the field. Leads, days, eves. 277-5856. COLLEGE STUDENT looking to make good money for working one hour per day. Call (215 ) 877-7700. TIRING DATE ROUTINE? Organ Loft 3331 Edison Ave. 485-9265 Fri and Sat. Dine-Dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Buffet at 1 1 :30 p.m. Reservations Only MALE DIETARY AIDES. 4-8 p.m. Some Saturdays and Sundays. Clean shaven. Hair half inch off collar. Contact: Personnel Department. St. Mark's Hospital. IF YOUR PLANS for military service aren't complete. Air Force ROTC may be your answer. LANGUAGE INSTRUCTORS Possible part-time jobs beginning begin-ning September. Utah urban areas. Spanish. French. German, Portuguese. Italian, modern Hebrew, He-brew, modern Greek. Russian, Finnish Norwegian. Swedish, Danish. Dutch. Turkish. Arabic. Iranian. Swahlll. Afrlcaans. Cantonese, Can-tonese, Mandarin. Korean, Japanese. Japa-nese. Thai. Vietnamese. Taga-log. Taga-log. Indonesian. Malay Hindi, Samoan, Tongan. Tahitlnn Navajo. Na-vajo. Aymara, Quechus. Nahuatl, Esperanto. Submit qualification statement state-ment to TEI, 242 North University Avenue, 204, Provo, 84601. Equal Opportunity. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michael Chain from your no. I fan. GUV1E. EMMIC: "Was mich nicht umhrlngt. macht mich starker." Nietzsche, Ulick. Uneon. and number nine. FOR RENT FURNISHED room $65.00. Washing, cooking facilities available. Non-smoker. Non-smoker. Rent reduction in exchange for babysitting. 359-0630. ROOMMATE WANTED for largo 4-ronm 4-ronm apt. on 1st Ave. $62.50mo. and lights. Call Jennifer 481-6324 or 359-3102. TWO ROOMMATES wanted (preferably (prefer-ably chicks) for large house near Capitol. $50 each. Call 359-9574. FURNISHED HOUSE three bedrooms bed-rooms 17th South 23rd East. October thru mid-March. 481-1270. OP:M1LFBM MLYDOMiri F CLASST.E0 PEUMHVnKVjl MS WLC ADVERTISING UNION BUILDING UNIVERSITY OF UTAH 322-7041 8:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. NAME PHONE AD jo RUN DAYSWEEKS PRICE RECEIPT NO DEADLINE: 1 2 p.m. Two Days Prior to Publication ALL ADS MUST BE 1 I ADDDITIONAL DAYS PAID IN ADVANCE RATEs PER DAY PER WEEK AFTER A WEEK T7l7rdT$1.50 $5.00 $1.00 per day CHKX ONE: . z i or ,4,,, n Wanted For Sale 1 6 - 30 words 1 .85 6.25 1 .35 per day U U over 30 words Travel Personal (per word) .10 .35 Entertainment All Caps 25 Additional Lost and Found CHRONICLE SUBSCRIPTIONS PER YEAR . Send 5600 , : one home to j your mom f" pER QUARTER 1 $3.00 I mmm |