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Show I "1 I ! ( I I ! ' I i ! . ! i x- j ! ; i ! I i Dr. Judianne Densoii-Gerhor. founder of the original Odvssev House in New York, speaks on the problems (if drug abuse. 'Social animals need rules7 "The question of legalizing marijuana really involves which of two burdens we prefer lo carry." said Dr. Judianne Denson-Gerber. founder and director of Ihe original origi-nal Odyssey House in New York. "Do we prefer lo carry Ihe burden of illegal use of marijuana wilh ils accompanying crime or the burden bur-den of the consequences of ils legal use. such as larger doses and maybe social acceptance as we accept alcohol." She pointed out thai whichever burden we choose, "we must teach our children lo follow ihe laws. We cannot live in anarchy. We arc a social animal physically and morally and need rules to exist." She reminded the group that alcohol was once consideied so dangerous Ihal it was made illegal, bill not only did llie law fail but "il resulted in alcohol becoming a social necessity." She said that the main problem with drugs is thai youth, along wilh adults wilh poor ego formation, for-mation, do not understand their own self-destruclion power. She was asked what dings are Ihe worse lo which she responded. "There is no such thing as good and bad drugs, only good and bad uses of drugs." She did say however how-ever Ihal amplielimines are Ihe worse insofar as harm lo others. She said Ihal amphetimines actually induce aggicssive actions and ciime while other dings do nol. She then rated haibitualcs second, major halucinagines ihiid, opiales fourth and mild haluci-nnginos haluci-nnginos fifth. Dr. Denson-Gerber said Ihal people have llie misconception ihal opiates (heroin, morphine, elc.) cause crniinial actions. "Ihe need lo obtain opiales causes llie crimes. "One thing I don't agree wilh is ihe effort lo encourage former users lo tell of their horrible experiences wilh drugs," she said. "When a person is under drugs, il is a pleasant experience, or he wouldn't do il again. Confuscious 1 1 ill s:iv 'II Cut ,-, ,1 .,,. il,;,, heller than opium, he kepi il for himself.' " In regards lo Odyssey House, she said Ihal il helps 250 in-palienls in-palienls and 3,000 outpatients right now in seveial stales across Ihe nation. She also said thai New York now offers 30 years in jail or a rehabilitation period at Odyssey House. "So far, only two people have chosen prison and Odyssey House has a very good record of rehabilitation." Di. Denson-Gerber is also involved in-volved in a court case which she purposely broke the law lo create. "I've never enjoyed myself more." The case involves her I real men t of 36 juveniles for drug abuse in a convent made lo house only nine. This is a violation of health and renting laws. However, llie lesl case has created cre-ated several editorials from the New York Times for her cause, the city asking her not lo force them to continue prosecution (which she is continuing regardless) regard-less) and a S(5 million appropriation appropri-ation from the stale of New York lo be spent on the rehabilitation of juvenile addiction. |