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Show CALLING U Artists and Speakers presents ANNA HAMILTON Folk - Rock Singer FRIDAY, January 16 8:30 p.m. U. B. Cork Room Admission 50c between the ages of 18 and 27". with 2020 to 20100 vision and a minimum grade point average of U. tor Information contact the rsaval Aviation information team on or call: (4151 522-6600. INIO.N MOVIES PRESENTS: "Way East' Wednesday at 2 30 7:00 and 9:30 p.m. Little Theater, (5 cents. FRESHMEN INVOLVEMENT: All Vi'J interested in being on an ASUU committee sign up for an interview in the ASUU office. Union ASl U AWARDS COMMITTEE: Openings Open-ings for committee members Students Stu-dents needed from all areas of campus life. Applications in ASUU offices. PSYCHOLOGY COLLOQUIUM: Dr Charles Winick, psychologist, will speak on the "Drug Abuse In Youth," 3:20 p.m., Wednesday, 203 Business Lecture I.K. BOOK EXCHANGE: Pick up books at I.K. book exchange 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Fri-day. KUED Channel 7 7:00 What's New? 7:30 Book Bent 8: t Civic Dialogue 9:00 The Forsvthe Saga 10:00 Figuring It Out 10:15 Community Alert KUER 90.1 f.m. 7:00 Smithsonian Concert 8:30 Thev Came to the U 9:00 On Campus MEETINGS ADVERTISING COVNCIL: Commit 5?f.r Brother Dunford. Meet at the ! ?? awa8:15 a m' Saturday ,J.?"- 17, for Utonian picture GlITAR WORKSHOP STVDENTS-Meeting STVDENTS-Meeting Thursday at 6:30 p m in Un,on 323 for all intermediate ad" staudCeentsand unschedul beginning SwFetv l?K, a democratic 1 Meeting for all people who are interested in doing something some-thing about Hubert Humphreys visit , Vmh- 0pen t0 everyone. Sunday ,a,' T00 p m- ln Union 324. vGV CLVB,:, Meeting Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Union 311. Plans for future fu-ture events will be discussed All p t' vienter ,?LayeS P'ease attend. FLYING CLl'B: There will be a meet ng of the ground school given 5yiothe ""'TOI'ty Flying Club at 3.30 on Thursday. For lurther in-formation in-formation call 322-8969. JItP,2,CLl,B! Meeting Friday at 7:30 HPE wrestling room. Important nnal preparations for tournament on Saturday. JORGE LUIS BORGES: There will be a meeting on Thursday at 11 00 a.m. In Orson Spencer Hall Auditorium, Audi-torium, to see a new film of the outstanding Latin America writer Jorge Luis Borges, and to discuss his works, with the participation of all the professors and students of Spanish. All interested are invited. ANNOUNCEMENTS FISHERMAN COFFEE HOUSIT: Friday, Fri-day, "Open Sing", bring your guitar. gui-tar. Saturday, "The Jazz Disciples", free, at 8 p.m., at the blue light in the alley near 2nd South and University. CHI'S: Come and learn to make rings. Thursday at 5:30 p.m. ln the East Institute. ALL THOSE WHO LEFT SKI EQUIPMENT: EQUIP-MENT: at the Ski Swap Tuesday night, it may be picked up behind the Union Desk. EPISCOPAL LITURGY: Each Thursday Thurs-day noon at 12:05. Campus Christian Chris-tian Center. 232 University. "If not now, when? If not you who?" Talmud. KAPPA: Business meeting 5:30 p.m. in the East Institute. PERFORMERS AND ENTERTAINERS: ENTERTAIN-ERS: Find out about "The Circuit". Cir-cuit". Leave name and number with Performers Guild at Union Activities Activi-ties Center. LAMBDA DELTA SIGMA: Informal winter rush on Jan. 13 14, and 15 and Jan. 20, 21, 22. Chapter meetings meet-ings are at 5:30 p.m. Intention tea on Jan. 24, 4:30-6 p.m. ASUU AWARDS COMMITTEE: Openings Open-ings for commute members. Students Stu-dents needs from all areas of campus cam-pus life. Applications in ASUU offices. of-fices. MATHEMATICS AND ALLIED FIELDS: The Student Advisory committee would like to increase its membership for four: one sophomore, soph-omore, one junior, one graduate and one student majoring in an allied field. Inquire before Jan. 15 in the Math office. COFFEE AND POLITICS: Bill Bruhn. assistant to the governor for local affairs, will speak on "The Office of Local Affairs Why?" Everyone is invited on Thursday, 11 a.m. in OSH 255. KAPPA NU: Demonstration on sugar molding and cake decorating, Thursday Thurs-day 5:30 p.m.. East Tute. OPEN CHESS PLAY: For all Inter-seted Inter-seted on Thursday, 8 p.m. in Union 312 NAVAL AVIATION OFFICER PROGRAMS: PRO-GRAMS: The Pilot or Flight Officer Of-ficer training programs, which lead to a commission are immediately immediate-ly available to college sophomores, juniors, seniors or graduate students An entire program of masterpieces mme j FRIDAY by the most beloved composer of atfPS V J . w a" ,,me 4eJrm JAN. 16 BEETHOVEN 'wt SAiJ?;r" Svmohonv No. 5 Als Weber Collc9 Fine uyuijjuuuy nJ. J 1 Arli Center Jan. 15 8 p.. Violin Concerto ?i&12S '' in D minor fg wfls Prometheus Overture wf$, VOvTi A special program in commem- d jrT Mr M W ffilpj ' oration of Beethoven's 200th - -v ifif I tl " falrf!" 1 birthday celebration. M T Ja&r' JJjUtXXRf EUDICE SHAPIRO, violinist P One of the foremost violinists playing today feDtyv ; Tickets at 55 West First South and ZCMI M.r.v- tLit . a i Phone 328-5626 for reservations JylliljlM ' , 1 m - i-rHmV t . , K.t tmn .-a . m trrmW '1V1 iM.i dnieaun'liim, , j 'iXm Rest easy. Your future's in good shape. By taking the Army ROTC 2-Year Program you'll be ahead of the game in many ways. For instance RECEIVE $50 PER MONTH IN YOUR JUNIOR & SENIOR YEARS RECEIVE A DRAFT DEFERMENT QUALIFY FOR AN OFFICER'S COMMISSION & FULFILL YOUR MILITARY OBLIGATION AS A LEADER SERVE TWO YEARS ACTIVE DUTY GAIN VALUABLE LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE QUALIFY FOR A PRIVATE PILOT'S LICENSE APPLY AT MILITARY SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Building 28 University of Utah Deadline for application: 1 March 1970 "An extraordinary film. Undoubtedly the most impassioned outcry against nuclear warfare yet to be conveyed. A brilliant accomplishment... disturbingly topical." Jack Could, N.Y. TIiims ACADEMY AWARD TWO SHOWINGS ONLY ORSON SPENCER HALL AUDITORIUM SATURDAY 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 75c Admission SPONSORED BY UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND B.Y.U. |