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Show Council Announces Chairmanships , .,.:t, ,;n ko haripri hv Alan Lud- Brent Robisnn 7in . I which will be headed by Alan Ludlow. Lud-low. Movie fans with special requests should see Phil Krogue, new chairman chair-man of the Movie Committee. Don Jensen, a member of Delta Phi, will serve as next year's Panorama Pan-orama Room chairman. I Brent Robison will head th and Square Dance Committee k Mock Convention Delegate .. Davis will serve as chat lni Contemporary Issues. n of Active in student activity Edwards will head the Events Committee for the second year will be vai Ness, a junior. Lunch 'N Listen Lunch 'N Listen programs will continue under the leadership of Jean Burningham, who has many of the programs for next year on the planning board for the Union Browsing Room. Last year's Sound Off Chairman Peter Dixon has been chosen as the new Bowling and Games chairman, chair-man, and he promises to put ping pong tables back in the Union. The new Art Exhibit Committee will be headed by Richard Young. In charge of publicity will be Kristine Holbrook, a debater at the University. Polly Garner, who helped with the Utonian this year, will serve as the At Home chairman. New Committee A new committee formed for next year is the Hospitality Committee The Programs Council Selection Committee recently announced 19 chairmanships for the 1968-69 Union Un-ion Programs Council. Announced as committee chairmen chair-men were: Presidental Advisor Randy Dryer, who will serve as This Week We Honor chairman. Kathy Wood, a freshman, will serve as Spotlight chairman. Sound Off Chairman Wayne Back-man Back-man will find a platform of his Public Forum experience. Jazz In Commons Jazz Committee Chairman Nick Snow, this year's Chronicle managing man-aging editor, will strike jazz notes in the Commons and in the Art Gallery. Dan Collins, student producer of the NBC special on smoking, continues con-tinues as chairman of the Performers Per-formers Guild, which dates performing per-forming students at campus socials. Freshman Rosemary Smith, a Utonian member, will take the reins as chairman of the Decor Committee. Commit-tee. Snapping pictures around the Union, Un-ion, Mike Gallagher, former Chronicle Chron-icle photographer, will be in charge of the Darkroom Committee. Returning to plan Union dances |