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Show f REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Educational Advertising Services y3 A DIVISION OF f WKADKR'S DIOKST SALES SERVICES. INC. J4 36Q Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. 1QQ17 Published daily during the fall, winter and spring quarters except during test week by the Associated Students of the University of Utah. Entered as second class matter in the Post Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. The opinions expressed on the editorial pages of The Daily Utah Chronicle do not necessarily represent the views of the student body or the University administration. Letters to the editor must be signed and identified with a student number to be considered for publication. RALPH MABEY ED DITTERLINE Editor-in-Chief Business Manager MANAGING EDITOR : , N!ck Snnw CEDriTORDITR -.ZTstan Smith uurx LDirOR Bruce Roberts ADVERTISING MANAGER Gogl Foster ?U??US.EJ " Heidi Sorensen Assistant Editor Kav Israel wlanff tEditr -IZZZT WlllSd Morr! SSEJ - Dave Block IeS Pa"y Jackson IL - Mlke Jacobsen SSnt Sharon Esplln cSyAssteSST Heldl SoteDien Feature Assistant"""""" Angelyn Nelson Hrafl PhnMl 1 " - Frank Erickson phi Edtor -s kcrr a Layout Artist . Francis Collins Distribution Linda Hagman niustrator " BrUCe Roberts- GreS Wall, Mitchell Black Cartoonist "." Biu Grav Retail Advertising-::! itaker |