Show r NEXT NEST WEEK IN HISTORY 1 MAY Ir 3 i br shin ot at wull Lorla XVI made airy Into Paris II h l pa t I nu au Ih of at the Song of oC tho Shirt n rill II d born bOn liDS 1708 7 of at Mont Ilont Leland or of Davit Dalt noted Irish pa a riot died cUed In III born 1316 MAl IY 1 Audubon famous born 1851 m Prescott hns hili toriAn born pled 1 1869 of tM the Int 10 bel 11 on It COt coat l nA Ilah h l OOOO Lincoln for 42 for tor thren 1 tit of ids hiM In to inn tho by tre Of oC 1 holed tiled in III No Non York h born 1911 1113 1 s Ii 1819 British captured N Y Imp Iho II I ut born lit at Island 1 ot of COI ka li 1769 sane to the States Maurus Jo noted 11 II II 1111 no died born 1925 1111 I n dr tits MOIl 1 hl bishop hop or of died born 1023 H SA 1111 rl IIII barn died 1817 l 1869 t 1 born lion t noted died both 1 1919 1111 l Olm Oku with landed on the Ihl stung Iii front Pori thul II Olt hl 11 11 Hov Dr DI Johll Unit Ian duc mien note l author dl 11 at Pleasant Is IAo horn hurn 1850 IA IAl 7 Chase cnn tiled horn born 1809 1805 due fourth Iun nt III Louis died born 1522 IY 1111 H I rt norms slier and fin of oC Iii lion Bled In poverty lIVert RUI atler atleri i aeverill caTe In a I debtors born hOIn l 1781 Ri tHuarl lIlli n I cr CI 01 nn logic anti economy died horn 1800 It III Ihl he uC of and SI Hl The I or of hunt Ilont destroyed Ilc at Ht HI Pierre and lolL n a I lo loss of 1700 In St 51 MAr HA 1 U II I Ludwig count founder oC M Moravian Bt horn born I 1700 Arthur Arlhur baron haron of oC Ireland 1 Patriot and soldier suMler executed tt al on Olt false testimony truth dis Ij covered mIll and I I ht hI 1773 I t titter hI bt I mortally wounded at the bat lIn ot of l if A l G y H J the Ihn death o of rho Iho poet t edlo v I batted In 1 and the tho I plates i j U I 1 r |