Show FUNERAL TOMORROW i I Victim or of to lIe He hue led 11 front from arth 1111 Mrs Sarah n It Sta Stanley who wh was IS killed early mornIngS nt at tim tIlo Point of the tho In by the Ule tippIng over 01 M tho thio wagon 11 lit which sho li iras 11 be burled tomorrow Services 1 L JIltS S n H STA be iii ward me t cabin neing lit at Ier husband Frank Fronk Stanley was for merl meri of that ecclesIastIcal sub dl anti th the deceased was to foi a along long president of the 10 o cle The Tho a remains of Mrs Stanley may my maybo ho bo viewed the hours of 12 2 at 7 0 EIghth est |