Show WILL TEXAS DEMOCRATS ENDORSE BAILEY BAILEY Dalas Mit II oS o Texa todo today are choosing four fOUL delegates lt at large and four alternates to the Don Den Dener Donver ver er The Tho chief In Intine tine centers In the campaign wald waged my Senator S J W y Bile who is IR seeking as I a delegate Semi Sen aim mitor Hale heals heads hIs ticket while the tho ticket Is h heaed hy by Cot Col ColF Coti i F D In III no contest over Or whom tha 1111 shall both holh sides being pledged to 10 Bryan rho tight Is IN 11 Oil the lie or of Senator tIne tho contest has hecim on lii In every county count In inthe the slate A hn heavy vote Is IR expected |