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Show BLH studios million acres wilderness The Bureau of Land Management Man-agement has selected eleven new sites in Utah containing more than one million acres, for study as possible areas for wilderness designation. Congressman Gunn McKay (D-Utah) says he- is greatly concerned that the multiple -use concept may not be preserved pre-served in the process because be-cause interim protection of the lands under the BLM Organic Or-ganic Act might be very stringent. BLM could lock up the land to all off -road vehicles ve-hicles and new mining operations oper-ations until the review is finished, he pointed out. The new areas are: Es-calante Es-calante Canyon, 129,000 acres; Dark Canyon, 57,248 acres; Phipps -Death Hollow, 84,300 acres; Grand Gulch, 24,080 acres; North Esca-lante, Esca-lante, 5,800 acres; The Gulch, 3,480 acres; Joshua Tree, 1,040 acres; Link Flats, 792 acres; Devil's Garden, 640 acres; Book Cliffs, 400 acres; and Pariah Pa-riah Canyon, 27,515 acres. |