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Show Lcgisloforo form coalition of thirteen nostorn ototos "I think we have taken some real strides at this meeting and It appears there is more unity and strength among legislators of the 13 western states here than there previously has been. Utah State Senator IvanM. Matheson of Cedar City had this observation as the West -ern Conference of the Council of State Governments Committees Com-mittees on agriculture and Energy and Resources con cluded three days of sessions in Carson City, Nevada. The meetings were held July 20-22. 20-22. State legislators serving on agricultural committees or on energy and resources from 13 western states attended. at-tended. Senator Matheson pointed out that the agricultural people peo-ple at the meeting unanimously unani-mously agreed that federal land ownership including management practices and - 1 policies presented d, to citizens of the J , states. A major wf!?St,t the meeting was r;0"1611 resolution formin? i ' ern states eoalifi, i with the probl01"0 "I would litotes.. . of this land 4 ? states which ttter J stand the needs zens," Senator Ml(C said. He noted that ttjj the meeting were unit6lj,:. showed strength In their die termination for the states h gain a greater voice in hj, public lands are managed h the west. "Resolutions pisj edat this meeting," he "will be presented be the full Council of Govern, ments meeting this Septem! ber in Sante Fe andwe also planning to carry on message to Washing According to Senator Matheson, the recently paSj, ed Organic Act has supply, ed some 2,000 previousUjj which governed mining, gru, ing, recreation, and other activity on public lands, "Implications of the actnu) definitely hamper westen states power generation mining, development, live, stock grazing, and so on, |