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Show COUNTY YOUTH AT STATE FAIR Approximately 200 young people participated in the County 4-H Fair held July 30 and 31st in Minersville. These young people are to be congratulated con-gratulated on their achievements. achieve-ments. The following club members will send exhibits to the State Fair in Salt Lake City September Sep-tember 9-17: Foods I: Tammy Boyter, Milford; Mil-ford; Anita Stucki, LuAnn Yardley and Cherice Gale all of Beaver. Foods II: Julie Brinkman, Annette Van Tassell, Milford; Colleen Truman and Dean Eyre of Minersville. Foods III: Lisa Ann Eyre, Minersville; Patty Paice, Beaver; Mary Lund and Mary Coon of Milford; Mil-ford; Foods IV: Jody Eyre, Minersville; Anita Firmage, Wendy Myers ond Carol Carter, Car-ter, Beaver; Advanced Foods: Mary Ann Myers, Beaver; Bread, Becky Low, Beaver; Clothing I; Sandra Lessings, Kathleen Roberts, Terri Smith and Julie Ann Hutchings, Beaver: Bea-ver: Clothing II: Julie Carpenter, Carpen-ter, Ann Messinger, Sharolyn Roberts, and Lisa Kaye Lee, Beaver; Clothing III: Anita Firmage, Carolyn Roberts, Susan Su-san Crook, Beaver; Denise Wood, Minersville; Cothing IV: Kerri Wood, Lyle Truman, Minersville; Kathleen Henrie and Nina Low, Beaver. Advanced Ad-vanced Clothing, Sharon Strong, Beaver: Grace Marshall, Minersville. Min-ersville. Knitting II, Ann Messinger Mes-singer and Julie Gillies, Beaver; Bea-ver; Advanced Home Improvement, Improve-ment, Shelly Roberts, Beaver. There were also some beautiful beau-tiful paintings done by the art club of Milford. This club was a first in the county and we are proud of their accomplishments. |