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Show Come Along With Us and See For Yourself The Nicest People TRAVEL WITH FALDMO "ALOHA WEEK TOUR TO HAWAII Oct. 12 to 26 $549 A MOST COMPREHENSIVE IQUa OF THE ISLANDS WE ARE MAKING ARRANGEMENTS FOB OUR ROSE PARADE TOUR GET YOUR RESERVATIONS IN EARLY AS SPACE IS LIMITED Dec. 27 to Jan. 2 Las Vegas, Son Diego Zoo, Sea World, Tiajuana, Lawrence We Ik Dinner & Show, Disneyland, Choice Seats for Parade and Santa Anita Races $149 FALDMO TOURS 506 SOUTH MAIN, SUITE E BOUNTIFUL PHONE 295-7526 CHRIS AND DICK'S Kl'rTFJsTlYl 1 GIGANTIC sOrtPSSi. mi s a l e Carloads of paneling arriving daily. Overstocked Good Discount WALL PANELING CEILING TILE FENCING PLYWOOD FIBERGLASS PANELS We buy our paneling direct from the mills in full carloads. Sell direct to the public, no middleman or distributors markup. mark-up. So before you buy paneling see us first. We have by far the largest selection and largest stock in the State. Over 500 kinds to choose from and 100,000 or more pieces in stock at all times. Dealers welcome, check our full unit prices on paneling and plywood. COMPLETE LINE PRE-FINISHED MOLDINGS AND COLORED NAILS We Stock Every Color We Can Match Any Paneling 316x4x7 1st grd beige y4"x4x8 Nat. Pecan hdwd. Upson board $1.69 reg. $12.95 now $7.95 Misc. closeout panels 99c t4"x4x8 Golden Teak and 316x4x8 1st grd. Mahog. French Cherry hdwd. 3 colors $2.89 reg. $9.95 now $5.95 READ USE the p-vlTCS Jtim BEST RESUIJS i WANT AD RATES 15c per line, mux $1.00, or 3 insertions for the price of 2, if paid In advance. 25c charge for billing. FOR SALE 1956 Chev. pick- I FOR SALE 25 H.P. Mercury outboard motor. Needs work. $50 or will trade for a smaller small-er motor. See S. W. Nichols at 233 No. Main 35-36c FOR SALE Crib and mattress. mat-tress. $15. Robert Puffer. Ph. 387-2355. 35p (EAR AFF02) 1ED (EACH? Before you repair your old car, make sure it's worth it. If it isn't. . . see us for a low-cost Auto. Loan. And we'll work out a repayment pian that you can afford to drive away with. MILFORD STATE BANK A FRIENDLY BANK FOR ALL THE PEOPLE All Accounts Insured Up to $20,000.00 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up truck. 6 cyl., 3 speed, heater. Good radiater. New tires and battery. Will make good fishing or hunting truck. Phone 387-2606 34-35-36p NOTICE NEW OR USED CAR BUYERS! Let me help you get a better car and save money, too. MARION L. BRATTON, Bradshaw Chevrolet Co. Cedar Ce-dar City, Utah. Ph. 586-6595. 5tfn DO YOU NEED A HOME? We can build on FHA 235 or Farm Home Loan or regular FHA, your plans or ours. See us for garages, remodeling and all your contracting needs, large or small. Let us put in new curbs and gutter. DEL-MAR CONST. : CO. Ph. 387-2202, Milford, Utah. We will build anywhere in Southern Utah. GARAGES 20' x 20' Garage with 2 9' x 7' doors, 2 windows and entry door. Thick Butt shingles. Painted and en your slab for $1,600.00. Contact DEL-MAR DEL-MAR CONST. CO. Box 67, Milferd, Utah. Phone 387-2202. 387-2202. 25tfn For Reservations at PUFFER LAKE RESORT Phone RON'S CHEVRON STATION 387-2801 'OUND Set of car keys, GM keys on key ring with white plastic ident. Helgeson ' Buick, Inc. Riverside, Calif imprinted on plastic. ' Owner may claim and pay for ad. 316x4x7 1st grd. y4"x4x8 Real Wood Elm, J Cocoanut $2.79 oak, maple $3.99 I 316x4x7 Embossed grain- Decorative Cloth panels I pecan, Golden 4x8 $4.99 chestnut, Monte Carlo pe- V4"x4x8 Old World can, New Bedf d oak $2.99 Mapla $4.95 316x4x8 Wood back 1st grd. Tile board for bath and Spanish moss, Desert sand, kitchen, 4x8 sheets $4.49 Sunset gold $3.99 4 x 8 Camper Panels $3.39 316x4x7 1st grd. Cam- y4"x4xl0 panels $3.29 and up bridge oak, Capri Hickory 4x8 Striped Panel $3.99 and many others $3.49 500 Other kinds of panel. 316"x4x8 First Grade reg. $3.99 Choice of Hickory, Pecan, Delmar Teak. Mirmar Hickory Georgia-Pacific Paneling NOW $2.59 Armstrong white ceiling tile 9c In full Cartons Acoustical .... 13c PLYWOOD FENCING "x4x8 Masonite $1.75 6- CEDAR GRAPE STAKES V2"x4x8 Plywood $2.99 in full bunkg uc ys"x4x8 Plywood $3.99 4x4x8 Pecky Cedar 95c 4x8xl" Plywood $6.99 l,. Shee rock x4x8 $1.28 ix2r Top Rail ?2.89 TTTl T: $138 3"x3"8' dar posts 89c ?Tl t 51195 2x4x92 Studs 29c D tSt"PPlng 90-lb. rolled roofing $3.99 Doors fact. 2nd $1 79 Ud Alum. Storm Doors R0VmS reg. $39.95 ' $21.95 48" W' Redwood Stain gal $1 99 x9 Fir siding - e aa Tl-11 $5.49 oX?l. rrUgated Fiberglass Panels $Il9 2fi"v 9. Corrugated Fiberglass Panel $2.95 26 xl2 Corrugated Fiberglass Panels $3.29 "THE WALL PANELING KINGS" BANKAMERICARD WALKER BANKARD MASTER CHARGE HONORED 1 Sn 9 ' 7 Pm- - 266-9551, 266-6122 1555 West 3500 South (1 block east of Redwood) Salt Lake CUy HELP WANTED Babysitter I to tend two children in my home. Call after 5 p.m. Ph. 387-2653. 35c WANTED Complete twin bed or rollaway. Phone 387-2871. 387-2871. 35-36-37p INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCE-ments, ANNOUNCE-ments, napkins, informals, guest books, and many other formal supplies and gift items at the Beaver County News. FOR SALE Ciro Flex 214 x 214 camera, with close-up close-up lens and filters, etc. 387-2881. 387-2881. 28tfn FOR SALE $80 500 gal. fuel tank with stand and hoses. See at Milford, 191 No. 400 W. 34-35c FOR SALE 1965 Dodge Coronet Cor-onet 4-Dr sedan. V8 348 HP Eng, auto, trans., radio, heater, heat-er, spotlight. Excellent condition. con-dition. Contact Bob Wright. Ph. 387-2231 or 2391. Price $700.00 34-35c WORK WANTED Will tend children in my home. Phone 387-2650. 33-34-35p BARGAINS, Bargains! Small scratch pads, 10c ea. or 325c 15c and 35c size also available. avail-able. Manila envelopes; small size 5c ea. or 629c. Large size 10c ea. or 329c. Posting signs, sales books and typewriter type-writer ribbon also available at THE BEAVER COUNTY NEWS office. BALES BOOK, Guest checks, business forms, custom or standard at The Beaver County Coun-ty News. , |