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Show D!D YOU EVER WANT TO ! BE A QUEEN? Is there a girl i.n Milford wV wnnld-'t l;ke to be a ciueen? Probably n'-t. and most of them will have a chance to compete for at least one title of royalty , this year as the the Milford t Businessmen's Assn. again wil" . sponsor the Miss Milford Teen- ager Paeeant for girls 13-17 on April 27th and will give the i girls 17-25 a whack at Queer R Contests with the Milford Cen- Jj te.nnial Queen Pageant on June 5 The word's been out for some ft time on the Teenage pageanl B and applications have been re- R ceived from seven MHS beautief Jj who will vie for the crowr , June 27, according to Mrs. Na- 'j omi Hughes, chairman of both 'j, pageants and their respective committees. Those entering the Tee'"age pageant are; Debbie Rose, !. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rose; Chervl Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jones; Joyce Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mr.s. Pete Martin; Evelyn Yardley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Yardley; Barbara Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones; Julie Albrecht, 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shel- ! don Albrecht and Chellie Rose, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Ront Rose. The winner of the contests, will be entered in the state f contest and receive $100 ex-i penses. The pageant will in- elude a program and judgingB in the MHS Auditorium. The rules for Milford Cen-f tennial Queen are a little di-1 ferent with each Businessman? asked to sponsor a contestant r So you young gals with an I urge to be a queen should? hustle around your favoriti businessman and get him tc sponscr ycu before someone else wins his heart a d sponsorship. spon-sorship. 1 |