Show i WAS AS CALMY PLANNED Police Rosen bloom Was Killed for His Money WIFE STRONGLY SUSPECTED Id Sue Sho a nil r lInin It II nc lii Iti lolI I Ihil uS ug the tho light of todal th thIs expressed the tho that thin the ot of SamUel T 1 THo Ho th the of the tho Calli tell clell Willi to to 10 the tho life 1110 and to 10 get PossessIon lilon of his hili store Today tinder searching honIng wife of time tho iiii III tl l tim the daughter uva Eu aged 16 1 6 II a still Inure detailed lon the they do de denied flied nied that they had anything to do with tho actual killing II G Tho pollee later lutr Ihl lid not these den ha Is In the tho course ot of lieu It 1 HO Unit cue Ea va 1 0 11 1111 cr haitI tried to ill tuce cluce to thorn settle 2500 2100 thorn that lie he Ic cc fused they that dut dul bog Ing U a tim mur del gU Eva struck her oIlier iii hI the fuen Lye 1 dill did strIke him said mid the girl today HI tile me 1 struck hurt him nil uli III Ho today that die flot onto only tOle her hor husband hilt been heen by hr her SOli Alex under hut III kllc knew the body bud iari heen In it II lid ill III tile tho cellar ot of their homo home for several hours hour Mrs said that told lold her that blat h had 1101 muir tiered dered hla father 1111 lIed had the tilO hod body lit III it IL trunk ilo ho out find anti sut ot Ju JO Juseph JOsephi seph und and Louis glur ho told them nil all thin tho murder Is not yet et hut hUI lit at lillY the tho g fig lerf arrIved lit at Ih the Ito Iho next night In a covered wagon The trunk ns taken to Johnstown la 11 and shipped tl to Camden clI ut at which place lh they must milt tile the trunk so sc cured n a wagon umI tool It to time the woods near Belle Bello MaWr Then they returned to amdon Eva iii tIer statement to 10 the polIo o today toda also idle of her fathers murder an and that the tho bod body lied had been ilL III the lie cellar until her Alexan Alexander del der antI 1111 the 1 had taken the trunk away awny In a The Tha figlers aro aro no in custody custod In Now oW York The two women were t kell keli to Pa this will ho gIven on hear icar in heavIng lucre here with Chloe Chief or of Police ot of Pa Mrs no a acknowledged that herself wrote the loiter letter purporting to 10 haA written to her b by her bus I nd to tl he murdered which directed her to dl dis 1 chars time clerk harry on the plea that om could 00 longer ID 10 him |