Show SHOPLIfTER IS f NABBED ABBEn I I II h I Arter lulI Long i Alle tl Salt Sail Lake City elly Is at tile Iho lIl limo n a of MexIcan crOOKS According to 10 OTlee C C one or of the tho mOst Ill III the p Pc lice Is n a large lullo gang gall gallof of if t 4 peru ti In Sal t Ial Ill lii huts has thc Iho tusk or of the tho city II of if them st ou t titis Ihl ug and landaU two tOo I the he ba bars ni to be bea 1 a I in xe when Is Royce Heyes aged ill 19 car a was a or four foUl blocks locked in III th tit It y Ii fox fOl ng The nian mau Is belIeved to LJ lc he II L clever Earl liri thIs lila byes wIth It hal pilI store at 16 MaIn street bId said they wl wished tu to sill silk skirts hIlo OliO olic of thu tho was Bomo a 1 silk valued lit at iiO 70 er hits his coat cout ran rail out Ill I to dropped the tho skirt In III IL II SI can all 11 down to 10 wiLli wILh 1 clerk It B 1 11 In III hot hen t took lip p t lie ad thu mall mell to 10 the tho I 1 X 1 L storo where the fellow fellos h an und and out onto State street Here Officer captured und the on his wrist Ito took 1001 tho thoman LI I man mall back to Multi street to 10 get the silk I skirt He hap to look lIi III LII t II tUtU till saw II a proudly thu a I with tim tho skirt on The artIcle was 1 Curl son Ion uhla his and the nt to 10 police pollee The 00 t to lInd companion and shortly bermo broUght III another gave thu of M 1 Va rue with several of lie tho II lifter lit at a 11 diva dho ext street TherO HOullis to 10 be a ping of these III II 1011 aid lIt Carison vo 0 aN aft trying to weed them Many thefts hn vo and thoro been shopliftIng and wo reason to 11 that t those follows arc fox COI most of It II Wo Sc will wili land some ome of them night |