Show I I 1 h 1 rhel aI that and tint strength nl mote valued by citizens thu thlU Party loyalty One of It IH tIt ot oI ot of Minnesota for the tho office of duet of that Gavel nor Johnson hns achieved d popa tnt with tutu lit In the tho admiration for his hlA qualities extends to 10 many Re ne Ill am II itt manifest II by his vie tortes In III 1 a stub Tho pen peo haw in him e ho hoJI h his JI is u a o of stron free front from tilt Ihu or Of luau who ho the of the tho highly than Ihan uny oUter political same a me may ho be said or of Governor HUtt s ot York Bu too has In all Parties Among his lit If a hoit of lr voters and many Demo Ills HIt to boss dice ence his upon the loyalty of the people tire Ihl that t make makl mutt him Anti And such Buell mon men be because because cause of oC their add strength to their respective parties willie while fanatical partisans weaken their cause |