Show Sl PAUL IN Collide With cv tor Which HII to In bo tm livine lo ln Many Iun of I Portsmouth April iThe The American merican St Paul 1111 and ald the British cruiser Gladiator have hO been b en In 11 collision off ar the Islo of Wight As s a n result the tho Gladia Gladiator tor tl had to be beached and II she Is now nol ott ol Several S I mem members mel bers bol of tho crew ot o the tle cruiser sus mined injuries The Tho St SI Paul Pall with Ith a n damaged bow hol is standing by b the n ItO tor The HI Paul had hll left Southampton at lt noon There Th lo only 11 a IL score of saloon passengers on onboard board Tho fhe collision occurred off oJ tho Needles In a I snowstorm s 11 The Gladia Gladiator tor belongs to the home hOlo fleet teet and was wag wason on Oi her hll way II from fl Portland 10 It I to Ports Portsmouth mouth She has haK been Ien beached a 1 quarter ter of or a I mile 11 from tho shore Ihor lies lieson les leson on her hII starboard on a IL rising tide The rhe casualties to the crew ell of nf tho Gladiator during tho opera operation oper tion ton of taking to tho boats hoa it is feared that no less than 20 lives IS wens lost 1011 The operation was aH made mall particularly hazardous by Ir the blizzard All A 1 tho aro passengers safe ure and the tho crew of the St Paul Paularo |