Show CHICAGO IS NOW BASEBALL BALL CENTER Eyes of Worlds Fans Wi Will Turn For Dope to Windy City WHO WILL WIN CHAMPIONSHIP o JM JinA nt let Least th Cite f flint tho Wt ili CI CIt Interest 1 in Fait Lake loer never born the Ir national game tie Ito fact that 1011 local sup support Ull port porI Father John and hIl his BaIt bake Tho prea press I ence of the tho I fight for the pennant Ind anti the tight ru or the sortie linen heen eagerly eluh enough Just JURt nw now It Is the Irgo ot of Lake to turn to 10 fot news ut of 11 nil In the tito ha world The so Sox 1111 auth th the Cubs posited Now York of off the Iho soft of oC heir Joy nd this w week Ak rut looie o the lul full ron n that nags II wert tore to be hunK hung up nl at home Ju Just t tIOW the prospect of oC n a large to settle tlc thin chant cham II is Chicago wid whid Ind and making NeI Now York wonder If after ul all the Iha confines of ao go beyond the tho city Al All season the tho youngsters have planned to bo be great bl Kren I nj the they planned to be pt pf colleges and of at the unit united Uni ed Now they must turn their optics to 10 Chicago and 80 what n a itlen family Is thero for tor the elect elected ed ot of the World orld A PITChERS Thin he Chicago for tor the he champIon championship ship wi will be Interesting n ate both mania are ure wel well known to the fans In the com coming InK pitchers balte battle the batteries are both wel known A ChIcago litter Inter ocell ocean writer compares the teams supply ot of bal bail a as follows Who Vito wil wIll be the pitchers In the Itt lume for tor the be between between tween the tho cube whIte sox Will and nd Doe Doc White dna 1 zie the multitude pl at the opening game i with their brilliant t twirlIng or wi Walsh and his spit bali try I conclusions wih with one of this the cub starl stare Til The pitchers wi will bl he the lie chief factors I It II is expected In A series of at the beat lour four out ot of leven seven games The cube are Sofia times ela easy Ir prey to the wiles or of a great south Pow and White and Alt Altrock rock ot of the sox pitching corps answer that thaI description Perhaps wi wIll wIllbe be ant Int to tue tho lit In the first game IU as that would find oln more hitters opposed to him than White or would encounter on the NatIonal league Brwn Brown hl has been bron by 11 all the mO moat 1 r relIable twirl twirler er on the cub team 11 all season on hil bbs Jer per ot of vIctorie Victories nw now beIng Sl Naturally al all the twirlers hlo have foRe al its the team itself lie hi over oer the lie 7 0 mark WhIte shows lP up 18 its the most successful ot of the tho sox OJ slab men feat ot of winning seventeen out ot of Kamel games b belts a elM clans a performance considerIng tho tact fad hot the t team al back o cat hIm him hll has won only about 6 60 per or ct cut of Il Its games hItes 1 average II is Lundgren who started the pea season n 10 so brIlliantly for lor the cul cube II is now flow returning to form and wi Iet get into Inlo the thick of 01 the post postseason season fighting Lundy Iund II is I a cold oather pitcher and d Is 18 lt at hl hIs bellin best ho Ih the spring anal tal fail Ike the going at al any ny tinta and so do and Taylor Th The cubs at the time have moro more ot of their star twirler In condition than the sox OX but all of the tho cripples on string 11 to 10 ho bo itt In shape by the tInts the bel hell rIngs tot for the thA greatest baseball show ever eer staged I lerom rom ni all India white Walsh and will belr bear the brunt ot of the sox ROX work wi whIle Chances quintet ot of Browl Drown Taylor Lundgren and Reul Reulbach Reulbach bach bach w will be depended depend on for the tho bulk of th the twirling by their side o Overall I of at the cubs cub hn has bee been going along ot of late and ra mar get Into tit lie championship He hiS bait won itle last eight games Taylor of the cUtin cUbR has a tn fine record with J Jo o out t of fifteen games lm pitched but was white an and the never lor and d may nt net be to start In any of 01 the gamer OF OF rho fhe records I established by the 1 lend log men or of both bolh teams le are 1 an SOX lYon YOI Lat Lost Pet Pct hll 1 II 6 Patterson 1 11 6 81 Owen 19 12 lt a 73 13 58 Altrock 18 1 13 S CUBI CURS Wal Von JA t Id 26 I 6 82 Taylor Talor 1 12 3 QI Reulbach is H 6 16 1 16 6 in 1 S |