Show AMUSEMENTS I experience has hili hown that It r something out ot of the ordinary to 10 draw A big audience at a concert In the tabernacle that out of the ordInary was wal furnished night In the Ir person on of ot of dIs Lucy Oat who dill II she h ha done 1 o many times before that her name la laa I Ia a that may always alway be relied all to 10 draw the throns The lower loer floor ot of the tabernacle wee U Uw w tilled filled last night probably between two and three thousand people being itt In attendance the gathering catherln woe wa made up ot of city and country people In about Tile concert was wat an Ideal one though th the handling ot of the crowds caused a delay Salay ot of fifteen minutes In beginning but the numb woe was sung lung before 10 J Inores were sere steadily refused except lug In two instances the duet be Iween MI Miss late lint and Mr and Irot solo 1010 the ap applause plaue kept up o 0 that rt cc alone were literAlly forced The great hit ot of th night was lates rca ren dillon of the surpassingly aria from Irom Traviata Ah Ab Fore Fon E Lul ThIn composition justly count ell cit 1 as the great reat teat leat for tor any coloratura soprano and one rarely ix ex except by bT the Melba end and Bem he was dashed off oct with an cue eUe MilIa anti a finIsh by Mt MI Gates which wa electrifying and at It close cIon the audI audIence ence In tuition The young lady was railed called back again and again to bow her mont moats The Angel Ever Bright and FaIr with en an exquIsite ment by Prof McClellan at the organ oraan tull fully the tho beauty of at her sus u tamed tones tonal The two French Ion songs were fetching but they net heed a smaller audItorIum an sad 1 the accompanying action to bring out their full tull purpose The German aunt num number ber was another gem ot of feelIng Oh That We Two Were MayIng Will was nd ad admIrably rendered at as was the sprightly Cuckoo song ong by Lehman The con concert concert cert ended andell with Miss 1118 Gates singing Ie Lee flue di de Cs Ca Cadiz diz rendered In brilliant style etyle The Tho duet was wae II a success hardly second to the tho Traviata aria One could coul not help wl that the singers Ringers could throw their book a way away and In Indulge Indulge In the acting that the tho deep seti lell nt ot of the seemed to call coli for Cor forMost Most Moat was WIlK Miss Onte sup SUI supported ported b by the other artists Mr I En Ensigns n signs noble voIce told out to full tull ad e each tune time that he sans sang though his hiM friends could haYe wished or something n newer at tile hIli Prof Irot Mcclellan was wall In tile very best mood and gave three organ numbers with characteristic style MIl and taste Especially delicate was the old oil melody and so stormIly dId the audience call for lor more that ho he ren rendered rendered dered Home Sweet home In equally fashion The choIr was 19 clown for tor one number and It must mut mutha ha have Ve been as al mortIfying to Director as It Will regrettable to the choirs choIr frIends to see seo so ao poor II a turnout In the section hardly halt half ot of the tho singers Binger there wore In their seats seat end the was that the tr Er II neal number suffered Buttered heavily At the conclusIon of the concert friends remained to otter offer theIr congratulations She makes makel her laRt appearance here wl wITh h th the Salt lake Opera company itt In The Tho DRY Day on Monday nIght and kvill then re rest t for a returning to tD liar her studies In the diet IP In mit were Mr Stewart ot of the Stewart Siewart Opera Corn COm tany pany th the advance of at Viola company other travel travelIng Ing theatrical people All followed Miss antes work ork with the most critical attention and all stated to til Manager ot of the theater at the close cloRe that they saw no reason whY she ahe should n not t succeed In the line ot of grand opera work ehe has haR chosen chosei to tD follow tollow followS S 0 attendance at the picked last night though It was still tRI far from ruIn what It should have been The attraction was the first cell ren dillon In this ell city ot of Victor Herberts new op opera rn and It was ad admirably given throughout by the Stew Slew Stewart art Opera company All As before the co costumes and scenery came In for special praise and the musical I lions were ot o the tho highest order ardor Miss Da Day made n a big hit tn In the tho part of and In the last act her sing lag Ing contest on test with the flute Oute called for tor any r of encores an and expressions expression of The Tito otters In Ih the cast clever work the singIng of Mr HaYden the tenor nail the tho comedy work of at Mr Leslie Lulla or era specialty specially do de serving ot of The chorus and amI orchestra were vero tie u ual bright features n and a I big of the lance dance whIch opens the tho II lUst t lid being thoroughly the Stewart company season elSOn winds lip up with presentations of at belle this all atti evening |