Show NEW LUMBER CONCERN I II hiro 1 Out Omit 0 l i CIty Noted Murray oc Oct Murray Lumn ber whIch II is 1 mu branch ot of the Granite Granito r timis week for tor 1 a ot of about Th Time del deal has been blen on onor tor or fume time isas Oct Oot I 1 Hoo are now In pl possession Felon o of It anti and wIll I tt it on en onIl Il its plan aim ton tion i Mr Ill N 7 1 ot of the Granite I COl I II Is InK mo at atthe time the mull Time The capacity tor or bust bustness nel ness there 11 wl will lie be Kret greatly amid nud nuda amida a lar large stock ot of hardware 11 ill be II stalled henc the lole aie ot of the Murray ii rum on ii Those who arl are Interested II in the Mar Marray r ray Lumbe now arc rc Richard howe Hoo J F C loe Howe 1 11 I K HOIe howe S J J Ii 1 E 1 j Mr lr 1 F C CI 10 I hUl has successfully time tho Hell heal Estate anti Co o his hits been een chosen to net I us 1 I The Th wi ivill enmity In III 1 h It his has car lr a Ino line or of contractors Time The arc wel well known tim wIeld great relt influence A prominent salti huts that lust the transfer for the Murray Lumber 0 it Ir It were wera possible Imo ho would secure some stock SESSION OF CITi The following business WIS was ed lt itt time the lust session ot of time the cl city coun el cli cliThe The tr treasurers report showing 1 a balance ot of 2195 was 08 red read Tit Time rOld road supervisor r reported that be had completed the street work near South Time The rad road tor or the month ot of September WI was Ind mind ordered drawn 01 on the tho treasury to the ot of 15 8 City Atty submitted a reply t to the JIH Halo the city time tho to 10 loney tron from the treasury or time the general or poll tax for tor the tho or repair or of sidewalks within tho ha ely city limits lie He thAt under luI law and statutes ot of time ances ot of Murray City I advised th time cl cIty counci council that except for tor necessary aiti the tho urgent repairs to protect cl against personal antI property injury suits general funds cannot be for tor the construction and repair ot of the tho 2 Tha That pol pail taxes cannot he be mused letl in 10 the construction Ind and of at sidewalks Time Tho street committee that Simpers street be and that the work be ba done dOM by pol poll tax taxI I It 11 wits decided to amend the tire Cr our 1 5 II to buildings coy wih corrugated Iron Ild that emmid he be Placed at al 25 5 feet teet bk back coma tho frontage The mator ot of cut I Un thug lown time the fire limits was n discussed t i but no action taken The Tho road WM was ordered te to Jut iut the tho Regal Hegal avenue In 1 a sanitary con mid dlton ns ate soon Hoon as possible The city at attorney torney tarney was II to draft an Miller Cahoon street anti 0 alo accepting the tho avenue The building committee wa was givert full to oversee th the buildIng ot of time the city hail Ind jai jail Time The tIre inspector vaa instructed to inspect time tho city hll hull and Jail every week weck LOSE BY FIRE ImE g night night about th the barn ot of I It Nel OI ot of Mill I reek was to f fItT ItT d by y tIre Time Tho causo or of time tiro WS vita purely accidental Mr tr tre Rn KOfl want to the yard ard to tell feed hil hIs carrying hll 1 a live ve lantern Shile tee ceilIng ln time tho was 11 Thi Time burst forth furiously and II Iru a afew tl few minutes tim tho bar barn and Is its contenti vero to about with Time h loss HO wll the bar barn 1 12 tons tOM ot of tummy 1 a 1 and 15 ot of lumber were also Iso destroyed 4 NI JANiTORS PAI The session In time tho beginners week wi will he be and n a room wi will ho be II titled I aim II Imi time Iho 1 t r house And 11 an additional teacher wil will bo be 1 limo tho tn in time the beginners grade grado wi will th then n hao have tul limit tiny sl sessions NILo Scot Scott ot of imas hns hern em as tim tho additional teacher The amount o of was as distributed among the tho teachers ant janitors yester yesterday f day for tor the tue first pay ca day In time tho Murray rime rho teachers reeled received their out one months ILIre and the pals five weeks salaries NEWS BRIEFS The Tho Murray Ium bowling alley hM has been thoroughly thorough I repaired anti Is now Il iii heat I class condition Manager M F cM als 51 S wi will bo be In fn run running ning artier next week eek Ind and that u a stant log Ing challenge 1 is open to th time best teams I II itt the tho state Miss Ih 1010 mule Atwood chief operator at atthe the tho com pan is h going to Mexico for I a six weeks cn ton |