Show BERRY SPRING cos ST MEET minutes of the meeting of the stockholders of the berry spring irrigation co held at hurricane on july 23 1921 meeting was called to order at 6 35 by president L A wilson and the opening prayer was offered by hon J W imlay president wilson then stated the purpose of the meeting to be to get a line up of the old stockholders who desire to go on with the company he gae gave an outline of what has been done up to date and ot of the plans for the future he stated that the board of directors C have recently purchased a forty acre tract of land from the patented homestead of brigham carpenter and laid out the townsite te of smoot thereon on the nor northeast theat quarter of the northeast quarter of section 11 T 42 S R 14 W salt lake base and meridian which has been platted surveyed and marked on the ground and la Is now nearly ready for the sale of lots the lots he stated were feet in extent and would be sold for each with water he gave an account of the reopening of the dixie project which had been withdrawn from entry and stated that we bad had secured the reopening through senator reed smoot the board are now trying to place as much value on the land as possible with a view to getting the privilege of making a bond issue soon for this purpose we have purchased berry spring to be pumped onto smoot townsite te a it half mile away and with a rise of about fifty seven feet RO no have filed on five second feet rt the ash spring tor for culinary purposes and are appropriating one hundred second feet of the waters ot of virgin river tor for irrigation purposes the government land he stated has nearly all been entered he thought that with these entries the town plat the springs and the appropriation pria tion from the virgin we could possibly pledge a valuation of 00 tor for a bond issue of 00 with which we would be able to supply all of the cash outlay needed to place the irrigation water onto the land and to ppe pipe the water for domes tic use we expect he said to lec let a contract to some responsible contractor for the building of the canal from the point of intake out onto the open bench with our own labor mr J W imlay has stated his desire to take the contract and mr wilson thought this would be highly satisfactory to all concerned there were next brief discussions on the townsite te lands water stock soldier homestead rights cancellation of delinquent stock articles of incorporation delinquent assess ments during which mr air imlay stat ed that he bad had never promised promis Od that those who would carry vater stock should be supplied with land mr W al woolsey verified this statement and felt that possibly he had been re responsible for the misunderstanding mr air wilson encouraged the stockholders to stay with the company stated that bonds can not be floated without value behind them and tor for this reason the board desires to place as much value on the land as possible immediately the board was instructed ted to have notices of delinquent assessments sent to the stockholders at once pace giving them ten days in which to pay par up arrears and the meeting was adjourned sine die |