Show HEALTH OFFICER SAIS REMOVAL OVAL OF or RESULT OF HYSTERIA wholesale operation on children tor for the removal of tonsils and ade was decried this morning by major carlisle patterson knight of the U 11 8 public health service as not only unnecessary but as the result of hysteria and wrongly directed enthusiasm major knight with major john roy williams also of the U S public health service has just arrived in utah and will be attached to the tra velling clinic that will tour every section of the state major williams who is to a tuberculosis expert and an authority on chest diseases will have direct charge of the tuberculosis work major knight will work ork in cooperation with the state board of health in an endeavor to correlate all existing agencies in the state in child hygiene with a view ot of creating a bureau ot of child hygiene in the state department ot of health the foundation ot of all public health declared major knight Is child hygiene and the introduction to hygiene Is the weighing and measuring ot of chidden too man operations however hoever it la is the tendency to place too much stress on weighing and measuring since medical authorities have not yet arrived at the proper standard weight ll 11 major knight said and when an underweight is recorded it la is usually the thing to lay all blame on the childs diet when about three chances to one it is some faulty health habit the child has adopted or a physical detect defect about the first detect defect looked tor for Is a disease or enlarged tonsil with sith the result that many tonsils are taken out that might just as well and much better in some cases have been lett left in no well thInking general practitioner said major knight will sanction a tonsil operation unless it has been advised by a specialist child hygiene Is a community and not a state problem major knight declared and some local bureau with local funds should provide tor for the examination and care ot of the children in that locality this can best be effected through the establishment ot of health centers where children can be examined tor for detects defects and also where nutritional clinics tor for un children can be held completes child suney surey major knight has recently completed a child survey in missouri and was successful in establishing local child health bureaus bureau to work under the direction of the state department deportment of 0 helth ah he no to 1 to amm some smilar result in utah while major knight will not be entirely with the traveling clinic a large part of his time will be spent that way eo so that he may acquire firsthand information on the community problems in the state major williams will spend bis his entire time with the clinic and will conduct a survey of tuberculosis ex service men throughout the state I 1 while I 1 am not conversant with the tuberculosis situation in utah major williams said 1 I have boen been told that the most prevalent form of the disease in this state is bone tuberculosis if that is the case utah must have a polluted milk major williams also urged the rigid enforcement 0 of the anti antl expectoration aw 11 DB eret neya i |