Show VL x WWW ya 8 t SHEDS HER overpowers JOY A bewitching oung lady who re sides in kansas city and bag friends hereabouts broto to one of them a young matron recently concerning a greit joy that had come into her life my dear grace the fair young writer said I 1 know ou will be great ly interested in this happiness which has come to me you always were kind enough to be deeply interested in m toys and disappointments no sir has lot proposed I 1 should not be gushing to you about it if he had he has plenty of money anc a good farlly and all that but to tell ca the I 1 doat 1 ke him I 1 suppose it would require a good deal of moral courage on my part to refuse him if he asked me to marry him but I 1 think I 1 should be able to rise to the occasion ideally I 1 am very happy and I 1 should not be happy at all if I 1 were engaged to cadwalader wad the orld seems to have a new glor to possess beauties that I 1 have never dreamed of in the past I 1 suppose iou are diang to know what it 1 thai has brought me so much happiness and wondering why I 1 dont come to the point at once I 1 shall do so only I 1 wish I 1 could bo there to tell ou in person and permit you to see there are some things that it Is so hard to write about I 1 can fancy sou sitting thea with m letter in bour hand as ou try to guess who it can be after I 1 haxe assured you that it Is not sir sou are probable convinced that t must be harry balden but you are wrong he asked me in the fair if you care to know and I 1 tod him that I 1 would always think kindly of him and all that sort of thing and I 1 meant it too he Is a dear not just the kind of a dear I 1 could be happy with and I 1 haven t seen tom anniston Annl ston for months if you are thinking of ham put all this Is silly in truth I 1 m so happy that I 1 fear I 1 m disposed to be fo olih have patience dar you would be foolish it QU were it m place the truth is I 1 have a peach of i new corset hat I 1 can almost sit down in fc U aser in chicago record herald THE ANSWER CAME Da 1 I wired the old man where is that money I 1 wrote you for hashaway Ha get an answers Da yes the answer reads in my inside pocket nothing epicurean sallow customers 1 don t care to look over this bill of fare waiter have ou anything to tempt a aided appetite walter nothing but canvasback duck and terrapin sir I 1 m sorry to say our baked possum and alligator steaks all gone sir chicago erlb one encourages him least does your wife care it you go to our club mucha no she rather en cou rages my going she does yes she does her own cooking ou know statesman an old story no matter how they fix it there will always be scandalous talk about the panama canal aby because it la a crork very nature la to mike people throw dirt ALL GOOD 11 y had a doben offers of marriage lately Gra cloia gool one yea all from jack FLOWERS OF SPEECH d say our ases like the skies A tale too often d swear your tar more fair alian of shredded gold d say your cheek was alko the snow capt that taint BO d say our mind its thoughts to things too high tor earth that what the alao was lies reside i our wisdom worth that lovers sing rach honeyed hackneyed word d bay to thee but it would be absurd rom head to feet you TO far more sweet than all these things could be these tropes are dreams our real self seems more beautiful to me alie misers gold let misers hold loe that to do I 1 ou re far above such things dear love I 1 ou re ou I 1 cle eland leader EXPENSIVE KILLING lets kill time exclaimed the air young girl as she gazed out of the window afi the softly falling feath cri flakes kill timea inquired her steady companion inquiringly yes it he had lo 10 do it though it took all his spare change knew all about him officer said the whimsical tourist to the big strapping policeman ehg nad saved him aiom being run over b an ie ou remind me of a character in one of kipling a stories louve beaida of Kipling 9 t kip linga said officer hooligan sure he runs a chinese about four blocks fr m where I 1 live trot along sonny chicago tribune how to land him in a week monday de pretty smile once Tuesday Be prettier frown at him wednesday be pensive sigh once thursday confess your regard for him friday laugh at him saturday be out sunday name the day new lork herald coulden couldn t see it ere you ever in lellow stone parka Ys once what Is it like lorda I 1 dont know lit was bonimy wedding trip cleveland leader WISE TAILOR customer I 1 want a material that won t show the dust I 1 am going to the races a good bit in the spring tailor I 1 presume you hava no ob sections to paying cash down 1 real braceras bracers harker there goes a chip who has braced people all over town for a quarter darker great jupiter he look like a beggar hiarker and he isn t he manlutac tures a 25 cent pair of suspenders chicago dally news would arouse his ire ahls old booke states that william shakespeare used to sw earby the stars penn well J guess if bill could see some of the alleged theatrical stars going through hla plays these days hed swear at them chicago dally news forgot to think f foot lite houi brothers loaf hta position in that company I 1 bear miss sue Bret he had a thinking part and he made a break how could ba make a break in a thinking he said he dlan t think yonkers statesman |