Show monument to grand canyon powell the sundry civil act for the fibril car 1910 passed march 3 for a monument or memorial to john icicy powell former director of alio U S geological to bo erected on the brink of ajic grind cannon of alie colorado in the grand canyon reserve in arizona in recognition of lne distinguished public sen ice as a soldier explorer and administrator of government scientific vork alie site for tins proposed monument was suggested by memorable trips down the grand canyon ill 1869 and 1872 exploits of perilous venture that appeal to mens sense of the hazardous and the heroic andrew returned monday from alio Surp nc mine about twant milt 8 of tins city he reports eliat r Y w ho has aleace of the surprise mine ii id struck it rich having uncovered a vein feit wide and four feet deep of copper ore chich averages thirty six per cent copper jhc vein give io of continuance and spencer is feeling el atul harry J doolittle left for acoma monday to C 11 alie manager of alie utah A eastern copper co in tins county and the bigham ikc haven copper co it bingham |