Show NEW RAILROAD WILL GET BIG AMOUNT OF TONNAGE that the opening of alie veins of semi anthracite coal at new harmony together with the building of the butali southwestern rail road from lund to the coal and iron fields will revolutionize the mining industry of southern utah and southern nevada so far as the fuel problem is concerned is pointed out by C A short tho gold springs mining man who yesterday arrived in the city from that region it will mean unquestionable air short says that the cost of fuel in all that region will bo virtually cut in two means a great deal in the operating of mines and alie extent of country that will draw upon that field for its fuel supply Is realized only when it is known that the new harmony mines are miles nearer los angeles than is that cites present source of supply of coal while alie quality of that it now receives now hero near compares with that of the new harmony coal alie new harmony field is being exploited by the harmony coal company winch is composed largely of los angeles capitalists C T inman of los angeles one of the large owners of the coal company is president of the utah L southwestern railroad company so that it iq safe to say eliat the two con cems arc closely allied sir inman together with george foreman vice president of the railroad company and C W L rood assistant engineer is now in alio llio field closing up deals for right of way for alie proposed lino and looking after the making of a new surey for alie portion of about can miles which run into cedar city what may be called alio main line will run eastward from lund on the salt lake to iron springs which layabout lay about the center of the iron fields then a turn at al hobt right angles will be made the road following alie west side of the cedar alley to new harmony another line will bo extended on eastward to cedar city the distance from lund to iron springs is tw anty tour miles from iron springs to new harmony twenty one miles and from iron springs to cedar city elan miles the tonnage possibilities for the new railroad are enormous for not only arc alie co and iron fields to bo exploited but there is a vast region of agricultural lands to draw from following tests made last ibar resulting in 40 bushel of corn per acre being raised upon desert land to hay nothing of large croal of wheat preparations aro being made to engage in dr finning upon a laige scale in alio new harmony minis have ban opened on four six ains of alio bemi anthracitic coal ranging from four feet four hinchc i to six feet in A large shaft is to be sunk winch will cut all of the aims and make for economical working near cular city aro aws from five feet to feet wide of an excellent quality of bituminous coal atel the of alie railroad raili oad will mean that they will bo worked as well sir short was to the coal fields by W A Alsdorf of columbus ohio who 13 interested with him in gold springs mines and in alie proposed power plant to bo built at modena they were looking into the situation to ascertain whether it might bo advisable to build the power plant at the cail mines instead of it modena but they were given assurances in regard to of the coal over the new roid which convinced them that alie original plan of building the at modena is the more feasible it is the intention to start work very soon building the first one third unit of a horsepower horse power plant winch will furnish electric power for the mines of gold springs and some neighboring camps in republican |