Show to the public at a meeting held in the governors on wednesday dec 30 at illicit acro present governor jolin C cutler Gocr nor elect william spry and jmajor jolin S bransford of salt lake city alio matter of the terrible disaster eliat hag befallen southern italy and the duty and privilege of utah citizens in the premises w as fully As a result of tins discussion it was decided that a committee hould be appointed at once to take stepa to ameliorate tho condition of the unfortunates who have suffered so severely the following were appointed members of this general committee william J 0 W nibley P A joseph E came antonio jachetta frank and moses paggi all of salt lake city it is hoped that this committee will take immediato steps to collect funds and forward them to the stricken district and tho support of all citizens of alie state is earnestly requested in tins monc mant for suffering humanity the majors of cities and incorporated towns and alic presidents of town were appointed as local committees to assist in tins work in their respective localities alic funds collected by local officials throughout alic state and the various organizations should bo handed to alie general committee named above to bo forwarded to italy the various newspapers and other organizations throughout tho state are also asked to in this work by receiving contributions and forward ing them to the central committee the appeal of suffering peoples to the citizens of butali has never been in vain and we feel confident eliat alio call cicro made will iw promptly and generously responded to sincerely JOHN C CUTLER governor WILLIAM SPRY governor elect JOHNS brailsford mav or of salt lake city |