Show SPLENDID EXHIBIT IN IOWA secures ast 1st prizes for best displays of dried fruits canned fruits and most artistic display that utah presented the handsomest and most artistic display oi fruit at the recent national convention of horticulture in council bluffy december 14 to 19 was the opinion of everyone who saw the displays made there this statement ement waa given out saturday by J edward taylor secretary of the utah state board ol 01 horticulture on his return from council bluffs where he lias been superintending super intending the exhibit of this state mr taylor says that the whole exhibit was the most beautiful that he has ever attended cd m his whole experience and he states lint he has been present at all of the principal displays of alie kind which have been conducted in recent years the rooms were abed with preen and there was a profusion of flowers everywhere in the exhibition halls in spite of alie general of the exhibition hibi tion utah won three first prizes and one second and secured the gold medal for the handsomest and most attractive display the utah exhibit a great deal of attention mr tailor said from the display of handsome trophies winch had been won by the state in previous including the magnificent trophy won at the recent irrigation congress held at albuquerque last fall the utah exhibit was placed on a board floor is glass cases carefully protected from the dust and remained in a splendid condition throughout the entire week of the convention an attractive fence composed of gilt chains strung from large wooden posts surrounded the entire of this state thus marking it out for observation in a way offered bv no other bbate the pots were surmounted bv large colored globes illuminated day and night by electric the trophies were arranged on pedestals on one side of the space in an artistic manner and were kept filled huge bundles of roses mr taylor who was ice dent of the convention from tins state was kept busy with his assistants explaining the features of alio display and received many compliments on the beauty of alie exhibition he has nothing but alie highest praise for alie manner ir which alie whole exhibit w as handled and the alie utah delegation received at the hands of alie managers of the convention and in fact from everyone in the city of council bluffs in regard to alie dispatches sent out by alie associated press early in the convention eliat idaho had won first prize v ith utah fourth mr explained that the prize mentioned in those dia pitches cun only that granted for alio largest number of nineties of flint As utah fruit growers male a specialty of commercial fruit and hence cultivate only those varieties which are best for home uso or shipping purposes they did not present nearly so many varieties is some of the other states although aliat they did show ivero the finest in tha entire exhibit the fact that utah secured first prizes for best displays of decd fruits canned fruits canned tomatoes and for the finest and most ar display in general and second prize for best display of nuts not to mention the gold medal shows that there was little question of the excellence cel lence of alie exhibit from liere it was unfortunate mr taylor said that early reports were so disparaging to utah but the final results were most satisfactory the contention will be held every ear after this he SAS and if all are as successful as the last one will be of immense advantage to fruit growers all over alie country |