Show obituary sarah aiger died at alio home of her daugh ter mrs addic E bracken in tins city january 1 1909 mrs sarah culpher Pul pher aiger in the eighty fifth year of her age sarah daughter of acra and miry brown was born at Onan dago county new york november 2 1824 was baptized baptised sed into the church of jesus of latter day saints in 1832 and was aimed mimed to john aiger in 1841 receiving her endowments at nauvoo with her husband and other saints she passed through the times at nauvoo she armed in salt lake city in 1848 remaining tharo until 1856 when she accompanied her husband on a mission among the indians at fort supply wyoming returning to silt lake in 1857 she resided in salt lake city with alic exception of the general move south until with her husband she was called to kielp settle southern utah locating in st george in 1862 the car following the first settlers and resided there continuously until her deatle she was chosen by pros bangham young to work in alio bt george temple where she began glicr first days work january and labored faithfully each 5 ear until her death being engaged in that before her demise mrs algar is believed to hao been alie oldest member of the church as sho was baptized two years after its organization her father acra was one of the earliest members of alio church and baptized into it wilford woodruff who afterwards became president of alio church was with a strong constitution could read without glasses and was m full of all her faculties until a few da s of her death on christ haq ce bening ning although ill and confined to her bed she insisted on those members of her family alio arc in this city together in alio room where she lay and ha hav v ing a jolly good time jhc was of a cry kindly nature and will bo missed by many MM algar id by three 3 bi eighty hint grandchildren seventy K great grandchildren and A host of other f funeral services acro conducted in the tabernacle it 2 p m last saturday alic speakers being S L adams sr simual miles sr david H cainnon and her son Z algar the latter spoke at his mothers wish expressed before she died that he should speak on tho occasion and give good advice to her posterity and tu alie oung in general elder adams in alie course of his remarks baid that lie eat his firby dinner in utah an sister albors home elder milea spoke of leaving known her and iier husband in naboo elder cannon spoke of her good work in the templo and of her many good A largo number of vehicles loaded with relatives and friends followed the remains to alic |