Show A FACT WELL WORTH KNOWING it affords me pleasure in giving the readers of this paper the following simple prescription of an eminent ape clarist this Is a sure remedy tor in creasing the growth and beautifying the hair a positive cure for falling 0 the hair dandruff and other itching burning skin diseases this can be mixed at home b taking an ounce 0 carpus compound and adding enough water to make eight ounces or to fill a bait pint bottle it the genuine carpus compound Is used you will be certain to get the guaranteed results one ounce of the genuine carpus compound will be sent to any address postpaid on receipt of fifty cents in money express or post office order by the H edward GOTO co mag mfg chemists haverhill Haver hlll mass ho other medicine haa been BO successful m relieving tho buffering of women or received so many genuine testimonials as has leydia E Pink liams vegetable compound in every community you will find women who hae been restored to health by lydia E vegetable compound almost every one you meet has either been benefited by it or his friends who have in the laboratory at see the files containing over one million one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health and hero are tho letters in which they openly state over their own signatures they were cured by lydia E vegetable compound lydia E vegetable compound has saved many women from surgical operations lydia E vegetable compound is made from roots and herbs without drugs and is wholesome and harmless the reason why lydia E pink hams vegetable compound is BO successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the feminine organism restoring it to a healthy normal condition women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their aex should not lose sight of cheso facts or doubt the ability of lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound to restore their health THE KNOW THE SUPERIOR QUALITIES OF V 1 I atus SLICKERS SUITS AND HATS ore the men who hav put them to the hard est tests in the roughest weather get the original towers feih brand made since tATAI 06 TOWI co or eit cowf too M CO OON THREE CURES OF ECZEMA woman tells of her brothers terrible suffering two babies also cured invaluable my brother had eczema three dlf terent summers each summer it came out between his shoulders and down his back and he said his suffering as terrible when it came on the third summer he bought a box ot ointment and gave it a faith tul trial soon he began to feel better and he cured himself entirely of eczema with A lady in in dlana heard of how my daughter mrs miller bad cured her little son of terrible eczema by the remedies this lady s little one had the eczema so badly that they thought they would lose it she used cura remedies and they cured her child entirely and the disease never came back mrs sarah E lusic cold water alch aug 15 and sept ay r A WELL MAN AT 81 the interesting experience of an old settler of daniel S queen burrell street salem va bays years ago while lifting a heavy weight a sudden pala shot through ray back and after that I 1 was in con stant misery from kidney trouble one spell kept mo in bed six weeks my arms and legs were stiff and I 1 was helpless as a child the urine was discolored and though I 1 used one remedy after another I 1 was not helped until I 1 used doan s kidney pills and I 1 was so bad then that the first box made only a slight change today to day however I 1 am a well man at 81 and I 1 owe my life and health to the use of doans kidney pills sold by all dealers 60 cents a box foster allburn co buffalo N Y THE DOCTORS GIFT food worth its weight in gold we usually expect the doctor to put us on some kind of penance and give ua bitter medicines A penn doctor brought a patient something entirely different and the results are truly interesting two years ago writes this pa alent I 1 was a frequent victim 0 acute indigestion and biliousness be ing allowed to eat very few things one day our family doctor brought me a small package saying he bad found something for me to eat at last he said it was a food called and even as its golden color might suggest it was worth its weight in gold I 1 was sick and tired trying one thing after another to no avail but at last consented to try this new food nellt it surpassed my doctors fondest anticipation and every day since then I 1 have blessed the gool doctor and the inventor of I 1 noticed improvement at once and in a month s time my former spells of indigestion had disappeared in two months I 1 felt like a new man my brain was much clearer and keener my body took on the vitality of youth and this condition has conti theres a reason name given bya co battle creek alch read the road to la pigs there li more carrh in ahli of the connary than all other put together last few jew luppo ted to lie incurable 1 or a great tainy ver doctor pronounced it local and local aej by fal laif lo 10 cure with local treatment pronounced ll 11 science ha proven catarrh to be a die and therefore require treatment aiau catarrh cure by V 3 aco toledo ohio I 1 on the market it 1 taken internally la doe from 10 drop to a tempia nul it aca directly on the blood and tin facet of abo they offer one aillar tor ny ca it talla 10 cure baad lor circular and gentl addren V 3 chaner CO toledo ohio bold by take uku a 1 abuy pill for important to mothers examine carefully every bottle ot CASTORIA a sate and sure remedy for infanta and children and see that it bears the signature of in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought A sore throat or cough if suffered to progress may affect the lungs browns bronchial troches give immediate relief only unselfishness wins affection only toll achieves success it Is only the courageous heart that does brave deeds T farquharson you ought to b satisfied with nothing less than nature s laxative garfield tea made of herbs it overcomes constipation regulates liver and cudnea and brings good health it the opportunity tor great deeds should never come the opportunity tor good deeds Is renewed lor you day by day farrar antt ote gilomo minnine Oin NINE nit i BROMO lock toi ur of B W th world etui care k cold la oil dar 26 E you haf money to trow to der barts id isa appropriately to hant id to der PILES IN 0 TO 14 DAYS PAZO 1 to care nt of iland or alei lo 10 1 to 14 dar or money refunded leap year girls would rather marry in haste and repent at leisure than never have a chance to repent at all mr batup for ehll drea efteni tb rant rl aei tn be wise today to day to deter young M the editor of the rural new yorker than whom there is no better alx lx pert in the country says eat potato is the earliest of 33 earliest sorts ened by me yielding bu per acre bakers early wisconsin yielded for the rural new yorker bu per acre see balzer 8 catalog about them JUST SEND IN STAMPS and this notice to the john A seed co la brosse wis and they will mail you the only original seed catalog published in america with samples of emperor william oate fiher king car ley billion dollar grass which produces aj tons per acre the dry soil etc etc etc and if ou send he we will add a pack age of new farra deeds never before seen by you h W every lover of good music take advantage of the offer the jerome II 11 benuck co of new york make in the advertising columns of this paper to send for 25 cents the words and music of nine of the best pieces of the merry widow opera all the jaee at present in london pans and new lork it cures while you walk aliens foot ease is a certain cure for hot sweating callous and swollen aching feet sold by all druggists price don t accept any substitute trial package address alien S olmsted le koy N Y A iss full latent enert chy und alt WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE from october to liar colds are the mot fre anent cause of LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE E W malice supplies the want of age latin cleanses E act Lold sandr cad aplies duo to constina Con ion acts naturally acts tru y as J J a L best and laudi ren old 10 ct always luethe genuine lias ahe fal name company 1 california it is manufactured printed on ae SOLD BYALL LEADING druggists one size on regular price boty bogue SICK HEADACHE positively cured by beje little eilf they aio bellere dt tra from ia art detlof A perfect ra edy for nw ea in the mouth el fetn la tbt jelde the bowel purely vegetal Vege taM SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE genuine must bear facsimile Fao Simile signature ez REFUSE substitutes TOILET antiseptic keeps the breath teeth mouth and body antiseptically clean and free from tin healthy germ life and disagreeable odor which water toaland tooth preparations alone cannot do A bisin feeling and deodor toilet requisite ot exceptional ex clllence cel lence and economy invaluable for inflamed eyes throat and nasal and uterine catarrh at drug and toilet tores 50 cents or by mail postpaid large trial sample WITH HEALTH AND OOK intorf THE PAXTON TOILET CO it la poultry rf write for ear D 20 years with Poultry 1 brimful ot kit and axt ta tb rr allut diio UK CO W N U salt lake city no 11 1908 3 ST PATRICK jk Drove all the snakes from W IRELAND T drives all aches from the body cure rheumatism neuralgia and CONQUERS PAIN ALL DRUGGISTS MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC of MERRY WIDOW 5 ci on account of the fact that there is no copyright on the music of this wonderful dpn we are enabled to make this unusual offer merry widow vocal and instrumental gems THIS beautifully BOUND BOOK CONTAINS NINE NUMBERS for I 1 love you so the silly cavalier for im a true loving wife land of our home my ciha the lovely women tin happy at maxims tin so parisian and the celebrated merry widow waltz all for postpaid 40 pages la B limpl n low kcf lor I 1 pter ica lot aw merry widow gems complete postpaid 6 copies for 1 00 10 copies for I 1 80 ALSO 3 BIG hats EACH dreaming sweetheart days I 1 m afraid to come home in the arv theio 3 boas lilt and merry widow book 1 I 00 address JEROME H REMICK CO west st NEW YORK publishers and reta lluy ot copular music in world SHOES AT ALL vatta PRICES FOR EVERY ar MEMBER MEN BOYS WOMEN MISSES AND CHILDREN teg IV L douglas makes andell and sll moro 53 vea mens atoo nd shoos w than ny othor manufacturer in afi r si world they hold iossa shapo fit better and fo or than any athor w w adems in tho world today to day vai W L douglas 4 and 5 gilt edge shoes cannot ba equalled Equal led at any piles W I 1 nm na palm 1 OB bottom aliv Tl iV ROM ba the hoe bahof rora far to LI ot awu lua to DI ulam W jb maw A i S bl bla 4 W |