Show obituary elizabeth blake f riding died in tins city Tuc da morning april of blood poisoning elizabeth blake riding dc ran a thorn into her hind about two acks ago and probed for it with a pin blood poisoning sit in and ait saturday her condition became precarious death resulting about 4 tuesday elizabat ct bako hiding as born it salisbury wiltshire on januar 38 1819 ond jaroc to alila country with aci parents about four cars of age settling m salt lake city she atis into the church of jesus calinst of L dav in 1857 moved to st george in 1863 and tt is aimed mimed to henry hale riding at silt lake city in 1870 her husband died cars ago lat elizabeth blakc riding ind nine childen chil dnn sean of bioni her four fons and thie daughters her mother harriet hollis nhac is liing here wd is in the year of her age |