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Show MEXICAN DIES ON BUS ENTERING ST, GE0RGE Heart Failure Given as Cause of Death; Remains Buried in St. George City Cemetery Cem-etery Monday Afternoon Senor Don Librado Ornelas, a Mexican about " 50 years old, was taken off a Union Pacific bus dead at the Arrowhead hotel ho-tel about 11 o'clock Sunday night. Heart failure was given as the cause of his death, by I Dr. D. A. McGregor, who was called upon arrival of the bus. According to statements secured se-cured from passengers by Sheriff Sher-iff Wm. Brooks, Ornelas had been sitting beside a young boy just before reaching St. George, and had requested the youth to open a window, which he did. He had also asked for a road map a short time before. He evidently died without a struggle as none of the passengers passen-gers were aware of his condi-I condi-I tion until the bus drew up before be-fore the hotel and the lights were turned on. Ornelas was conservatively j dressed in good clothing. He had j with him a cashier's check for $10 0 drawn on the Zion Savings Bank and Trust company of Salt Lake City, and $7 6 in currency. He had a bus ticket from Salt ; Lake to Los Angeles and one from Los Angeles to Nogales, Arizona. His baggage consisted of one trunk and a roll of bedding. bed-ding. Sheriff Brooks, who made an ; investigation, communicated with j the Public Safety Department through the Salt Lake police department, de-partment, and addresses found in the dead man's baggage were investigated. His only known relative was a cousin, M. Moreno, Mo-reno, of Salt Lake, who requested re-quested that Ornelas' belongings be sent to him. The body was taken to the Pickett Mortuary and the remains re-mains were buried Monday in the St. George cemetery. |