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Show I 'INK VALLEY HIKE The annual Cine Valley hike was conducted Saturday according accord-ing to schedule. About fifty students stu-dents and teachers made the climb. Although there wore slight showers, the day was in general beautiful. The autumn foliage of the trees was at Its best, and the hike was delightful. Last Thursday's assembly program pro-gram was given by the vocal department de-partment of the college. Numbers Num-bers were rendered by the general gen-eral chorus, the opera chorus, the I'l.C" chorus, th? male quartet, and by several soloists. The dramatic dra-matic art department assisted. "Climpses ot American I'niver-.sities" I'niver-.sities" was the feature of Tuesday's Tues-day's program. Miss Alice Sevy, Mr. C. D. Spilsbury and Mr. John T. Woodbury, Jr., described their recent experiences at Colorado -i gi ich It ura! Coll 'ge. Iowa Stau College, an Fniversity of Chicago, respectively. The piano department depart-ment assisted. |