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Show MRS. ELIZA JOKES DIES IN FAIRVIEW: FAIKVILW. - Mrs. F.li.'i. Jon- ! e -. T'.i. died at the home of her granddaughter. Mrs- llorieiise Stewart, following a stroke Tuesday Tues-day morning. Kun-vnl servi.-c-were held ill the South ward chapel Thursday at L' p. in-Counselor in-Counselor 1-1. 1!. Anderson presiding. presid-ing. The choir under Hishop II. 1'. Hansen furnished music. Op-' oiling prayer l'.ishop 11. W. Jones; Jon-es; speakers who paid loving tribute tri-bute to this worthy pioneer wer:: Ceorgo F. Oi-on. Holier Mower, and I v Anderson. Siie-ial musical numbers were: A solo by llishop II. P. Hanson; a i ua: !.-: '. under tho direction of Mrs. Ceorge F. ONt'ii. Benediction by Aaron Cheney. The grave in the Fairview City cemetery was dedicated dedi-cated by Win. Holme. Many beautiful flowers were given. The funeral was well attended. Mrs. Kliza Jones was horn in Bristol, Kngland. Sept. .". 1 S 1 The daughter of George Hakei and Mary Ann Randall Baker. She came to I'tah with her par-1 par-1 ents in ISfil). They Titled m Cine Valley. She married Fred-j Fred-j oriel: W. Jones June 22. 1S73. 1 She was the motile.' of s. chilii-I chilii-I ren, six of whom survive her. Agnes Hurst. (Handing. San Juan county; Loren Jones of Los Angeles, An-geles, Calif.; Thomas Junes Dub-Ian. Dub-Ian. Old Mexico; Jesse Jones of Kanab, I'tah: Frank Jones of F.Imo, Finery county; and Mrs. George Anna Hurst. Fairvi-uv. Twenty-four grandchildren and thirty-eight great grandchildren, also survive n- r. She lived in Dixie for a number num-ber of years then moved to Mexico Mexi-co returning to St. George when the Mormons were driven out of Mexico. Here she took an active part in the Relief society, sang In the choir, and did a gre-r. deal of temple work. Her husband died in lain and she later came to Fairview to live with hoi daughter, Mrs. George Ann i Hurst. She was known in St. George as Grandma Jules. She was a loving mother and a good latter-day Saint. She endu'-od the hardships of pioneer life balli I in Flab and Old Mexlc . |