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Show DIXIE CLASSES HOLD DEBATES Inter-class debates were held at Dixie College Wednesday, Thursday Thurs-day and Friday. The question discussed dis-cussed by all teams was: Resolved, that the United States should recognize rec-ognize Soviet Russia immediately. The Sophomore-Freshman debate opened the series Wednesday, and the Fourth year-Third year match followed. The Sophs and Fourth years were given the decisions. On Thursday the Fourth years met the Freshman team and the high school students were again victorious. victor-ious. Keen competition was evident evi-dent in the championship debate Friday, but the experienced Sophomore Soph-omore team deservingly became Dixie's champion inter-class debaters. de-baters. The lineup of debaters follows: Sophomores Affirmative, Francis Fran-cis Leavitt and Rulon Cottam; negative, neg-ative, Alton Fordham and Howard Cannon. Freshman Affirmative, June Moody and Culbert Leany. Negative, Lewis Pulsipher and Mary Reid. Fourth years Affirmative, Winifred Win-ifred Smith and Heber Thompson; negative, Antone Bowler and Grant Bowler. |