Show IF V st High Earnings Maximum Safety A growing number of In in- in investors looking for a safe h harbor arbor have begun to an an- an anchor chor some of their cash savings to a new form of money market fund Its It's called the US Treas- Treas Treasury ury Money Fund a mutual fund which offers money market yields higher than passbook savings accounts in addition to maximum safety of principal and Inter Inter- Interest est The US Treasury Fund Invests In US Treasury se Se- Se Securities and other obliga- obliga obligations directly guaranteed by bythe bythe the US government all backed by full faith and credit of the United States By Its nature this new Fund provides a safe bar har bor for cash while earning high money money market yields That's why many experts recommend it for Investors who require maximum pro pro- protection It Is s also recommended mended for trustees and fiduciaries for diversification tion and for IRA and other retirement plans |