Show TRIBUTE TRIBUTE TO THE I LATE MRS HULL I II I The Th following foll tribute in it I the th memory r nf fit V the tb late Mr Ira Magpie Magle Swan gwan Hull lull J has hA hAn Veen n composed by David AIS Henderson secretary taT of Nth if the Thistle club lib of r which the Ih sweet wt singer was waa w a member I IOOR AIN AJ I In that Land tar far awn a II ant e bright an anne lao ne bonnIe music I la is gran an ringing I Ireal is isreal real rent Dot Oot tAgle Is 1 I an M aa tI a acay I ony cay i With nth th great gr choir that sings lines Ing In tho thoLand thoLAnd Land LaM o 0 th thO Lint Ial ItA I An As A the staid HUld aid tunes tun she ahe nan sang In Infancy lane lanc fancy I hear her h Sac Sae an icy cantie sh she aft made md us ua feel tiel The Th harsh hanoh note sib he It th Ih dull an In cite o made clearer A non noo she he majr m sing sine In the thu th Land and Lando ando o th thO teal Leal Bright were mere W e her lutz sang aang o th thO Land o u uthe othe othe the heather Sweet wee Ute the lb accent th Scots loved 1011 lovedae file ae weel wI Blessed her hr abode abod b N be an au may she ha tot for fO gather tb WI Wl lav autos aneti lang gane tae I Re th thO Land LaDd o 0 th Ih Loch Leal The TI Scott Bents n o tier toune loun Its AVe V a 8 lured I her The soon snow o her bet sweet t voice ok cot cor corrow sorrow row wad heal hea healAn healAn An mony mon a Scotch bert hert I is missing her bar But Hut ken IE she aha ha gone one tae tse th thO Land Lando o 0 th tb Lad Leal i Quid GuM bye Maggie We ye sincerely The lIe tear drap mp wl wi I creel greetin In we f canna Well cherish your goodness an n mind mindon j jon on you OU dearly Although you ou hae ha KILn Kane tat tae th thO Land Lando 0 o th tb |