Show KTTLESON KITTLESON FINDS 1 HIS ERRING IFE No Found However Than She Disappears With Their Baby BabyC C S 11 of or Mont found foun hie wife and ad baby bab yesterday in a rooming houes at t No 17 W West Wat at Fourth South street Almost AI as a I soon as I be he found lound them IMm he ha lost lest them There nil was waa w a sharp 1 conflict between the wife wire and the deserted husband and nd the Ibe little four year old son on cried for his III rather father but tho III mother escaped through A i rear door and nd now search will hay have to A be undertaken again He H declares 41 that be Ie will III not give y up but that he tie will wUi stay nay hire here until ho he Audi I Ms hie w son Sal to 10 take ta back hone home with him learned yesterday y that bin bis wife wits was etayl staying at the rooming ana i howl house mentioned and he wont went to the plate place p He H j 0 bM had some aloe with the Ille land lady body before Won he hew was w admitted to Co the rooms by his wit Ilu When he be entered the tb room hi Isis lala little sun aon cried cr Ob Oh hers heros he e papa pap The Tile child bU wanted to be he taken I to 10 IU Ita tether mil aims At the Ute cry rry Mrs Mra on rushed robed lulu Into lilt the room VOm and demanded of or bar deserted husband hu What do 40 you want here told her h that It was a noie ne neof of her hr business bunnies 11 what whal he wanted there He found roaM no trace trae t of or OBrien with whom whoRl he declares declare clar she he be ran away The scene In Iho rooms o L by his runaway wife an o 0 ed KU KIl that as M he h ua a he tie peel Juit I hud had to lo loKe leave He Ke went out ott ld 11 m lid asked a 1 p to t get n i oft nob rl i r He lie re remained r remained ul i Je un oI u ati 11 u I Ii U liln heA the th the officer arrived BrId another search of IC IChou Hi II house hour hou was van made Ink but bul hi hta wife If had hd fl n d I Her nr trunk was 1 removed from flon h hem room In the th fe f few minute he had be b away from her and ana to him aa as a he hf d r rI dr clares I It all seemed to have hae been Nen don doll donby donby by II magic c The Tit woman oman and nd the child had bad lit left and 04 the UI father was waa ea lei leri where wham w he lie Ii had bad been for tor mouths months and the friend mend who stool stoat by It him In hla h search rh believe Nil that holl I OBrien Is U I with the woman And Aad th tb that they the will III and the pair pall with Ith the till chiu Is I now determined to beet keci ke I up his bis bl search eh If U be he lies has to Co follow the around the thu world |