Show JORDAN Ion CA STARE STAKE E CONFER CONFERENCE ENCE The Th quarterly rr of r the Jordan tak 1 In the thi th tl Jorn tI nd ward mid cud ld Sunday u n Nov Noy U IC II Al tend nd IT 17 t IK Ii II Th Ii of the th presided resided rd tr Iran Ira It ii ward wa r choir hor tin the th Inan on ll C Saturday and the th Bondy choir ion ren rendered terM dered Ire tur service n on n unda Then Th ThIn fm ff In of it f the I h Il t I Ihu n C hu M II L and 14 E r 1 F Y hlll of the th lb apostles al stud and nd A At t JI Irn rt n An Ire 11 trew cm On in H nt lyman Iman dwelt upon u I ti In I unit I pi pr pin p n alv e of or the thi th rc l rte r lh I d r of nC the tle saints saint n I President Plen Hul t off ff 1 report the h aa as C being In lit gd s 1 condition gon J The T counsel NunI In lt the Ih Make k presidency also atoo a spoke 1 upon stake af it affairs t trI fairs fair rI and topic connected therewith I h I 1 s J Im me A Mutt uI f Granite and Will li I f Kuhre Kuhr of nf if nl dy petr d lh th Ii rc r p wards ward ar Fid I r Orson F P was esa walh the next speaker He lie said Ild the th control In H a measure their own 01 tn having hava received the lb gospel l 1 which hl h I Is the he t power of Clod On nd unto onto salTs salva salvation va lion tion lon tn In the Anal ithal la judgment exact ot las jus justice Ju JuI live tice and nd equality will I be meted out ost I tf and nd those thoe IhO who w have hav observed b and olvy ny y yd d 4 the Ih perfect pe law I will receive 11 a I crown of r glory glor forever frer frerOn On In Sunday Elder Andrew Jenson Ion eon trusted the th condition of ot the 01 saint Int with wih the peopLes people pl of ot the thi th world word and rom corn the thu tI history hi of ot the Ih Church In out our day with wih that of the th Lords Lr covenant Inal people popl In former fOr ages age 11 Elder Whitney JU called attention to t the Ihn growth th of or the th latry work and the tI mighty mt achievement of the th saints sainta notwithstanding great at ad adversity ld and nd the tl opposition of man manThe manTe manThe The Te general antI and nd stake authorities were Wt presented t and 4 President Ll toted lowd I d with wit a dIll die discourse dIllU course koure U on nn t the foreign ministry and the Un of hose te who ho have bv received Iv t truth and a gathered to tn Zion together with lh their children even n to future gun gen generation Nn The 1 usual M X I A conference was w held In hi the t evening and acid Ild wa w wh wae addressed by h Elders Elder td Lyman man and Whitney and nd others ther 11 UND UN Clerk |