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Show Electricity to Ldcato Oil. New uses for electricity are con stantly appearing.' One of tho latest Is tho detection of crudo oil In tho earth Instead of boring 'for It. It Is stated Mint crudo petroleum has been located electrically In tho shallow oilfield oil-field nenr Coralcann, Tex., and that further tests are being imulo around Uurkburnctt. A series of bntterles Is used for the test, tho negative terminal ter-minal being connected to n wire which Is dropped Into a dry waterhole, valley Or Indentation; and the posltlva terminal being connected to a 'Hand wire," which Is used to mako contuct nt various points on the surface of tho Ueld Investigated. It Is stated that the higher electrical resistance of oil compared with other constituents constitu-ents of tho earth, permits It to be located lo-cated by the reduced deflection of u Kcnsltlvo Instrument In the circuit. |