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Show SPANI$HWAS EASY Spanish Fork was easy for Amor lean Fork last Friday. Wo took tho lead from th'o very flrat, making ri'ns In nearly every Inning. Mlllor pitched u good biand of ball, If bo. ing'his second gamo for tho week. Bcrratt met with a painful accident when ho sprained his ankle while attempting to steal second In the first Inning. Some time ago ho sprained sprain-ed one of his ankles whll0 playing and had been out of tho gam0 until Just last week, and then Friday ho sprained the other ankle so that now ho (s obliged to uso a cane. Plenty of errors, hits and runs were foaiurcd In the game. Tho score stood 11-8 In American Fork's favor nt tlio ond. Spanish had only gained S runs up (o tho 'hTnjth', when thoy rallied and put in 3 extras, making an inter, estlng and exciting climax to the game. A largo number of fana accompanied accompan-ied tlio team down, but tho roads wero very poor and soveral detours wore necessary, which made travel bad. The name lay Springvlllo defeated iHlsc'orp-.ofJArtodili! got wild and mado 22 runs to Provo'a lonely 2. n |