Show bewen youth injured when struck by auto JENSEN special sharon billings 19 son of 0 frank billings received some severe seere cute cuts en on the face and a d number ol 01 bruises on an lilb body sher her struck by a car when he was aas returning home from a dance friday night mr billings Billt Is employed by am amaza caldell Cald vell herdeg sheep and 7 rhen in front of 0 the caldwell home he noticed a truck coining coming but did nt see a car fol following loing closely behind As soon as the truck passed he started across the highway being hit by the car hia ills body wa was carried about w yards on the tender of the car throwing him off on the opposite osite side of 0 the highway mr air billing billings sas as walking in the hajne direction as both cars were going he waa taken to vernal b by the chauffeur of the car and gite ald medical attention ills ands are healing wing nicely 0 and he to be able soon to return to he h sheep herd |