Show 4 ASHLEY I 1 4 il mr AD and mrs 1 L dunham their little daughter and haymond raymond hasson on IN r maybell coliado Col rado visited at I 1 a feltch home from rom tuesday until friday walter white of tacoma wash inavon as a dinner guest at the C B atwood jr hon e Aton monday clay evening mr nir A witte hite Is a eon son ol 01 ward white he came to see hh hl fattier who liaa ties aten seriously ill tor for some time IBs its employment calls him hirn back to washington by the of 0 this month mr arki and mn alm mann of It manilla Anilla ere in the ward viard on business friday charley murray Is erecting a ne home near his fathers place hoy roy lee left for deshesne Dush Duche esne on tu tuesday adar mornin morning where he will be in his ork tor for several dais mariette Mr lette mr mrs olive bry ant and the ciuba girls returned on sunday irom from salt lake here they went to compete in the fair fred fritch and mr mrs ieli free fyee tone atone returned from salt lake city Sa saturday turdy gerald peters returned from salt lake take city sunday here where he sent nt to attend the state fair mn mm alma alms to gustv mony with mn MM to see earl ca caldwel adwell mr and mrs paul murray are rejoicing oer the arrival of a ten pound baby firl girt bom born sunday the alth this child makes the fourth generation ener atlon in the joseph arrow family it 11 E seeley ha has received word sord this week eek of the death of his uncle J W sceley seeley of castle dale and find his aunt stunt mrs ann sophia sperry ot of nehl mrs irs edith winn attended the fair in salt lake city last lee foard returned from new york city sunday where he went for a visit with his sister mrs sarah eceles and family he ile was accompanied by thorit hatch 0 of helper and mr Christ christason son of salt lake city mrs elizabeth karren and pa pea murray ere dinner guests sunday of mr air and mrs victor kr carrm afen mr ur and mrs whitney nilson ellison of craig colorado pas aed through here this week seek on an their way say to rockland idaho to sec see his mother I 1 who ho Is very ill mrs james keller formerly ML mils z jennie parker of salt lake city Is here for a chit with her mother III hanna parker mrs sanford green came doar from laats alien allen sunday to take care of 0 her daughter mrs paul hurray murray i to rayh tex enger eager and luther sett ue are on the road between here nd and jensen le leo bearle searle and his son orven re turned sunday from the mountain where they have been employed by iod hod rupple the ashley school will be closed thursday and friday while the eachers attend institute mr air and mrs albert frees one will give their wedding dance sat aday evening at the school house |