Show intermountain news briefly told for busy reader readers WILL FAI FAR on 11 ito NS HOW ROD IS 19 it ats ML flis GIS IS 14 isai isad TOO MINI MINX WAS SALT CITY 1 UT he ite deuced railroad rates affecting affect the movement of tock stock from drought stricken 1 belto areas anil and food concen into budh SUIT areas will apply to t all cc 1 thes of the state accod acco il lax to J AL macfarlane of the state drought committee in order that the rate will be rit tv only to bonafide live 1 tok men the asked the apera to obern tion of the tarl j local drought committees efforts are being made lands to love alayne ayne juab josh ban san jajuan tjawan tj aan box elder and garfield conn coun ties included in the croup group offered drought aid by the secretary of ax ag UT abe state espart meat of roads has made flail in ion on the 7 4 mile stretch of road on U S 8 routes 40 and BO la in tooti county between mills junction and Grants grantsville ville built at a cost 0 of f SALT LAKE LITY UT the stretch of highway 63 53 miles long between Cit castella atella and thistle junction in to spanish lore canyon Is completed and la in nse use BOISE IDA Employment will be given ti fento to many Id during the winter months in constructing construction of tle the new e units dolts at the state tote asylum u w for the intone insane at blackfoot reports gave bruor lieu 0 ross la idaho wilt will bo be a i for at the asylum any lam the report states state MOSCOW ida ID Y atty three of the student students tor for the for estry course this akar are forn f orn 21 states tates outside of idaho and three are to from cann canals Is the school of forestry forc itry has his students enrolled for the course and several more to be entered under the help plan reentry reent ly adopted SALT lahb CITY 1 atre from the state gasoline fasol lne tax have been 13 1380 more for the first eight months of 1031 than tor for the corr corresponding period of lust last year according to figures of the office of Petre tary nf of state SALT auml CITI UT the pris mers at the kate state I 1 arlson protesting pr baked bailed beans on the menu ov overturned ovir turned 23 25 tables and bean gau a n near ar riot in the dining roum room but were q an ani I 1 returned to cells before the situation situ alloo I 1 estime too riotous IDA ak blotted states forest service 1 crew Is cow row la in montpelier canyon making our ur toys veys tor for the mcw highway from this city to octeva on the coe coke ville afton road it Is existed expected that work will id 14 the early ihring the money to e coine come from fi ft rest and federal sources oar cee 0 UT N flork ork at the tile utah idaho lugar factory at spanish rork will ie be rotated totaled this fall at all possibly pos times to glie as wide empi empl ament us as can be 1 done tin chalsma i of the unemployment committee tor for utah county Is m operating with the sugar interests LAS VEGAS NE NEI boulder Il cites water and mew ago ag disposal dispa etl plaes will sill be started at once the bidder on the work so e til mateo the coat cost at 37 SALT LAKE JAKE CITY 1 UT tb supervisor for the fet federal teral govern ment meat for the federal shipping point inspection la in utah states that carload carloads of t utah onions anions bays left this state this year the bulk comes from dl davis county with box lt fr ear ft eber ant an 1 altah counties also salt lake we county rent peat one carload LAS MV A total of 2301 2201 men have ben examined for employment on the houlder boulder canyon project no a of this dumber number have been rejected reject eJ lvery state in the union with the exception of vermont and delaware Det aware has so supplied up at IMI leat IM lea I t one workman on the job and california with ww h W MT rest dents leads the iest cevada Is second with while altah with ranks elrd ID long son 45 of mackay was accident ally shut shot by bis his partner purt ner A aiom U out ack of en on brasbey creek the two men were Lunt huntling ling elk in idabo idaho county NAILES IDA the road pro jact t south from this c city ity for 0 3 milts mils will begin soon awn the road Is to be resurfaced at a it cost of salt cm citi LT UT A del degation from 1 eber 1 county visited the stae state tax commission and ask asked for relief frow the high tax burden u tana farm lands within the boon of ogden city are marrying larr tarr ying the tax it Is reported will chilt the lands la in question it Is pointed oat out that similar exist in to many etab cities farm land lands are eril ired red to pay the municipal tt which unkel a very high rate wi la Is di do IT LT graan harness and other ral r erist was destroyed la Is it fire with a it maebree Iric friction tion by the blower camrod the eppli flon lion of ax suot in the be straw stark stack flaws names spread quickly tn in every dl di 00 codr D rl rr rt dorest officials have completed a aney survey of cache caribou aal sn yoi iluf national for erts ests regarding barb bart weevil fight lux cottrol ope operatic ratio re reported as bein im with f few W bull it tj J tb ili wt warfare a |