Show HUS MORE the grosing contempt tor for lav law Is attributable in large measure to a mistaken zeal for more and ev er more ia la laid said Goer governor nor nit mt ahle ft I short time ago it Is 1 refreshing to hear this thought echoed by a high public official too tew few of them are sufficiently candid or courageous to do so hut but almost all who have studied the crime problem have come to the same conclusion we are a nation of las la breaker breakers largely because A e are a naton nation of Is law makers we have abrogated hu man liberties and crime has been increasing on a greater scale than thin in any other supposedly chili civilized zed coun 0 u I 1 ry we have hae parsed las lass L h h h have acted as boomerangs and have in actual practice bene fitted the criminal class which they were supposed to suppress such aj as the various anti revater bills in eff effet t in several states we cannot shut our eyes to the fet that america Is a lawless e is nation in almost beery great city authorities thorit les are all ill but powerless poa pos erless erlem against au the of a sell ell organized sell ell financed under orld ampler simpler and feser lass la more justice and less litigation furer surer p for ders in that direction lies lie victory for or society in its ur the criminal class elm |