Show orm OF or orVar Var BW May lIar 17 i 1 A band haud oJ f h ld up the Ih city elty office of oC the railroad Uy on Iluga street at IQ 10 this titis mind pot got away with Ith om Ct after fitler u mt severe light In III which four fear weN wera killed and two tw wounded oundell Tile The office was full cf of people at the tim and soldiers I were Ire g K tile tho a r roah but the ter terrorists terrorists attacked them with revolvers kill lag two Io jiul 11 1 Injuring four of the tho th guards I before betor b fre they readied the th hit place where whre the motley money was kept liell Then snatching up a IL abac I bat bag containing oo the tIl Ih m men n ran out fit it the Ih office The Time a olley at Itt the fleeIng terrorists but hul only succeed succeeded ed td in hitting some two of ot I whom acre killed and t 1 III wounded |