Show MOSCOW BANK ROBBERY Ono Inc of if 31 en III in Prison lou for It U Illes of or O May 17 the lana imm who vIiu carried out OUI the th great preat Moscow bank March 30 3 si im I Xi when a It band of ot and who escaped 1 from froni a train while being extradited from Switzerland died In III the tho hospital of ut consumption The Thu Ken Ren gm nil 1 tint hila ha been that the police J allow allowed lIlIo ed 11 l to pet Jcl away on condition that lio Im bat betrayed rayed hl hi accomplices and oth others ers Vt CI and no II nIl 1 that t he lie bus hu been liten living iiI hg heie n un on lor r police polk protection ever cr I hit hi cs es coup was l was WM pus pos KM d of the dementia that several teE 1 1 were wre to 10 kill him for l 1 etra Ids his hi comrades |