Show ANDELIN RECITAL Death of or r Mr Ir irs nn f n Oily ell Newt Sp Jal lr 11 vo 0 May Iu 17 musical recital given last night In time tho Provo House w s R attended by hy a 1 a small I but JuL audience Mr lm 11 ama m In III splendid l form and amid his hili fal tal voice vol e will 11 IM 10 long lang lon remembered liy by thus who wh were w re present All tho the other oilier numbers vero also ulso rca ren rendered dered OK OF MRS BI RASMUS US SuN SN who was lIS to lo tho th mental hospital ho on tin the I II Oth from froni Murray while suffering from mental derangement caused canned ly Iy which she h had hUll not 1100 recovered ered al Ill the tho timo of Pier her commitment died Tuesday o She was 10 to IIII oC of age o Time The remains wore crt cre taken lakel to tn South outI Cot Col Cottonwood 1 Lot for burial 1 N CITY NOTES NOTI S Miss II R Hattie HoWo Van anil Miss 1158 J ottlo Knudsen have havo been employed ns as teachers In Imi tho the Prove Trovo public schools for the tho ensuIng year Vf w E Bassett Is IH building a n large addition to his imIs residence the tho necessity for this Ihla I Improvement arises arisen partially through h tho need for fot room for the tho large Jorge number of ot pupils who attend tend Mr Mi school for fOI miller Elmer E B Jones JOlles of tho the Telephone company canto down lown front from Suit SUIL Luko Lako ct In hI an un auto luto automobile mobile and atmil visited the station in Provo anil Spanish Fork lorl returning In the time evening I i Lat Lar Jensen J n oC of Provo Prove touch hooch 1 lIch ono on oC of pioneers now along alon In tho eighties el lies has returned from a IL trip to Sun San Diego to tu visit vl ll n a son Ron and daughter X N AV V Knudson of or the tho Second ward ard has hus returned from a n mission to fliRt and u a vIsit to tu lihi parents relatives In Denmark The Timo ho 3 son of or Mr III and Mrs tIrs n Jl L 1 1 Lee rel who died 1101 at lit yes IeS cs was wan brought hero for Tor burial yesterday Services worn hold held nt itt tho the cemetery tho the being belli ite 11 n H If Johnston John ton of it tho Methodist church L lj L Nison |