Show ON W LAKE Nets Cutup Is Taking on u a Mcl t Dutch Creek Waler Walker Lake r Nev I Jai Jan now new nun mIa Ing camp on the thc shore of at Walker lake lakeIn h In Esmerald county IN Ii just recover lug from trum Hl hue effects of a which pro most ot Of the tents and and wrecked several launches The fhe A no now built 10 are all comfortable and lre are ile substantIal n a lal large t house bud noes UN more being wol patronized Ind and a number ot of stock stockbrokers brokers hv have already the tho feil field Dutch Crook Creek I Is connected wih with the tho and Goldfeld railroad at the Walker Gravel pit flit by moans or of steam Ind and gasoline across lie lake lako and receives daily mail tram from Hawthorne Major 0 a well mine owner owne has been appointed the tho first and time tho county have havo named Box Ward as con 1 has been entirely and peace now no prevails In inthe the tho community notwithstanding It Is the Ivel t ot of the tho now ney camps elf tim tho Inclan Indian re reservation Tho has been been practIcally covered by 17 placer locations but several ot of these theBo have been surveyed for the ot of being ns as town lots and Its it Is claimed that under the tho decisIon rendered by y U S Jud Murphy at t tho tite titles ot of 1 squatters on those alleged muting claIms ore good Ono citi aen en who has lia located a quartz veIn oln I running across time thc toI town has off r to glo give a to squatters ani only reserving u ito for 1 a mi mill lund this nelon action may have havo Is Its affect Nearly Nearl emil of the tho hundreds of pros proa have hao bool been worked chico the opening of at the thc reservation are aro showing up wel veIl tend great rc as n a virgin mInIng community of about square aquaro adios In nun n formerly at a prOt Is being developed 1 It II is that th population o of Dutch Creek wi will reach 1500 thur Ilg the tho Cottonwood crook wih With many good sold gold prospects Is only I a mill und and a halt half north ot of lucre horo anti and there tholo Is n no lack of t vator or Eastern capital Ii is being invested In Inthis Inthis this sed Ion anc and time tho for the tho ru ture luto Is most |